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╁Kylo Ren

I call my saber into my hands. I hold it tightly. I also call Claire's lightsaber and toss it to her. She catches and ignites it. She smirks at the Red Knights.

They charge and I block all thier sabers. The other one slashes my arm and I shout, "Argh!" Before falling to the floor, clutching my arm.

This caught Claire's attention. She chops the neck of the knight before running to me. She does a cartwheel before kicking the other knight away.

She kneels to me. She takes off the hair that is on my face. "Ben, do you hear me?" she asks and I nod slowly. She helps me up.

We lean on each others back as we turn to the knights. They twirl their sabers and point it to us.

I slash the head of the one approaching as Claire jumps from my back and punches the jaw of the next one.

I do a roll before stabbing the leg of a knight. He shouts in pain before I made his body into two pieces.

I look at the knight like a prey. They will regret fighting me. I force chock two knight with both my hands. When I heard the satisfying snap, I let them go.

I check on Claire and see her struggling on a knight which is electrocuting her. I throw my saber which fall on the knights head. He collapse on the floor so, I call my saber again. Claire give me a thankful smile before roundhousing the other knight.

That's my Claire.

I run to Claire and help her with the remaining enemies. We kill all the remain with our team work.

After the fight, I look at her and she smiles at me. Suddenly, a red saber pierce her shoulder. She gasp before falling to the floor.

"No!" I scream loudly as I run to her body. I look at the remaining knight with anger.

A blue light saber decapitates the knight. I furry my brows on wondering who did it. As the body falls, I see Uncle Luke at the back. "Luke," Claire says with her remaining strength.

Luke runs to her. He rips a part of his rob and press it on her shoulder. Claire hiss due to the pressure that is given. "Claire, be strong for me sweetie," Luke says as he gives her a smile.

"Uncle Luke..." I whisper and he smiles at me. "Ben..." he whispers back. "I am sorry..." I apologize and he pats my shoulder. "I should be the one who is saying sorry Ben. I push you more to the Dark Side. I should have not try to kill you. I am sorry," he apologizes and I nod, accepting his apology.

The scavenger girl arrives and announces, "Poe is outside. Let's go!" I immediately carry Claire in my arms and follow the girl.

We climb aboard the X-wing starfighter. I place her gentle on the chair. I look at her face and it has gotten pale. Her breathing slows down. "Claire, stay with me," I whisper and she slowly nods.

I hold her hand and it very cold. "Go now!" I shout at the pilot. After the girl and Luke goes in, the starfighter flies away.

"Ben..." Claire says in a faint voice. "Claire..." I kiss her cheek while tears are falling down my eyes. Luke rubs my back in comfort. "She will be fine. She is a strong girl," he assures me and I just stare at her.

When we arrive, I quickly run to the base. "Help! I need help!" I shout at them while they just stare at me.

My mother runs to me. "Mother, I need help. I beg you. Claire is hit. She is bleeding badly. Please I beg you. Help her," I cry right in front of her. "I need medic!" she shouts at the people.
My mother wipes my tears. I quickly embrace her and hug her tightly for comfort. "I can't lose her mother. I can't," I cry on her shoulder. She rubs me back and says, "She will be alright."

I look at the pilot and see him handing over Claire to the medic. They quickly rush her to the Infirmary. I let my mother go and follow them.

Mother stops me by holding my arm. "Let them heal her Ben. They will not harm her," she explain and I just stand thier hopelessly.

After a while, mother calls me and says, "She is now stable." I smile and laugh, happy that is is alright. "Can I see her?" I ask impatiently. She chuckles, "Yes, but she is still taking a rest. Be quiet."

I nod in understandment and hold my mother's hand. "Thanks you mother and I am sorry for killing father. I regret it," I say to her and she cups my face, "It's alright. I forgive you." She kiss my forehead before saying, "Go get your girl."

I run to the room and see a sleeping figure of Claire. I sit at the chair beside her bed. I hold her hand and sigh. I decided to start to talking to her.

"Claire, I am so sorry. I know promise that no will hurt you while I still alive. I tried my best but failed. I am so so sorry. I didn't protect you from that vicious knight.

And... I didn't choose the Dark Side over you. I choose you. I wanted to n powerful enough to protect you. That is why I went into the Dark Side. I just forget about you because I was overwhelmed by power. And I am sorry for that.

I promise to be there for you when you need me, I promise to protect you from everything and I promise I will love you til the end of time."

Her grip tightens and I look at her quickly. She opens her eyes and gives me that smile that I love. "You promise?" she says in a husky tone. I kiss her hand and say, "I promise."

She sits up and looks at me. "Kiss me," she request and I smirk. "With pleasure," I answer as I kiss her kissable lips.

My heart beats faster as she kisses me back. I know exactly that she will be the one I will spend my time forever. That I will marry her under the stars and moon.

We separate and I whisper, "Will you be m girlfriend?" She looks at me with her eyes wide open. "Ben..." she gasp and I kiss her cheek. "I said, will you be my girlfriend," I repeat and she shouts, "Yes!"

I hug her in joy and say, "Thank you." She raises her brow. "Thank you for what?" she asks.

"For being the light to my darkness."

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