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╁Kylo Ren

For the past three hours, I teach her about the basics on the First Order. She is a quick learns as before. But she just grew tired every hour.

I stop when I hear the head of Claire banging on the table. I ignore it and continue lecturing. She bangs again and I smirk. I face her and see her face on the table. "Am I boring you?" I ask in a teasing tone. She groans loudly before slamming her head.

"You talking makes me so sleepy," she mumbles. I roll my eyes and tell her, "Pay attention." She groans loudly before looking at me.

She must be really tired, so I decided to give her a break. I turn off the monitor and announce, "Okay break." She suddenly become alert and squeaks, "Break?" She is so cute. "Yes break," I repeat, shaking my head at her childishness.

I sit on the chair and say, "Go and have your break." My legs hurts from stand for three hours. "Uhmmm... teacher," she rephrases, "I mean Kylo Ren. I don't know where the cafeteria is."

I groans because I will stand again."Uhmm! Don't stand! You look tired," she says concernly. I look at her with surprise in my eyes. She cares about this careless monster.

I snap out my thoughts and stand up. "I will ask someone to escort you," I say and page Phasma to the room.

Phasma arrive fastly than I anticipated. "Please escort her to the cafeteria Captain Phasma," I instruct and she nods. "Yes master," she says and looks at Claire.

Claire looks at me and says, "Bye!" Before following Phasma outside. Why did she say bye to me? I did nothing but hurt her from the start. Why does she care?

I lean on the chair and close my eyes. I remember the good times me and Claire had.

"Claire, this is Chewie. Chewie, this is Claire, my new friend," I introduce Claire and Chewie roars hi, how are you. "Hello, I am fine" she giggles. I look at her with wide eyes. "You understand Chewie?!" I exclaim and she laughs. "Yes Ben. Close your mouth," she says and I close my mouth as said.

"You are funny Ben!" she teases and mother goes to us. "Hello Claire," she greets and Claire smiles, "Hello General." She kneel to our level and say, "Please call me Leia." "Hello Leia," she rephrases.

"I am quite hungry. Ben could you and Claire fetch me some apples," she asks and we nod. I grab Claire's hand and run to the tree.

"Ben, be careful!" she shouts at me out of concern. I internally blush at her concerns. "Just one more apple!" I shout as I stand at the tree. "Ben!" she shouts and I shoot her a wink before grabbing the apple.

I lose balance and slip. I hear her faint scream before I becoming unconscious.

"Ben!" my mother's voice fills my ears. I look at her and see her sitting at the side of my bed. Wait, this isn't my bed. I look at my surrounding and realize that I am at the Infirmary.

"Claire?" I immediately ask and mother looks my left. What I see is the sleeping figure of her. "She has been crying all day. Later she finally doze off. Let her rest son," my mother tells me and I nod.

I rub her hand that is intertwine with mine. She suddenly jolts awake and looks at me with happiness in her eyes. She embraces me but I hiss in pain due to the fall.

She lets go and apologizes, "I am so sorry Ben." I shrug and accept her apology, "It's okay."



"I promise to look after you for the rest of my life..."

I hear a faint clank and open my eyes. I see a burger in a tray right in front of me. "What is that?" I ask and she smiles, "Break."

I look at my food. Wondering why is she so kind to me? I made her suffer if I had the chance. But why doesn't she hate me? Why she doesn't Kylo Ren?

I look at her and catch her staring at me. She must be waiting for me to eat. "Thanks," I tell her. "Welcome," she smiles at me.

"Thank you Captain," she looks at Phasma. The chrome trooper nods and says, "You're welcome." Then leave the room.

I didn't touch my food due to her seeing my face, the face of Ben Solo.

"When do I get to see your face?" she asks out of knowhere. I decided to not wait any longer and show her my face. I reach the back of my helmet. Hissing sound takes place. I take it off and reveal my face.

I look at her emotionlessly. "Ben..." she whispers out of shock. Her eyes starts to crystalize. She breathes in and put her hands at her mouth. She look so speechless.

I decide to go to her. She bows her head hiding her face. She has this hobby of hiding her face when she is crying or blushing.

Suddenly, she runs to me. Embracing me in her arms. She cries on me. I tense up at her touch at first. But slowly hug her back. "Claire..." I whisper at her ears.

"I miss you. I miss you so badly," she sobs. I rub her back in comfort. "I miss you too Claire..." I reply. She lets go and look into my eyes. Her eyes softens. "Ben, come back..." she squeaks.

I bow my head and say, "I can't." She tightens her grip and begs, "Please..." She starts to shake which is also a manner of her. She sinks into the floor. I catch her in my arms as we sink.

"Leia misses you. Chewie misses you. Han misses you... I miss you... please... come back... please..." she starts to break down. I rubs her back and apologize, "I am sorry."

Suddenly, she shouts, "Sorry!" She shoves me away and growl like a lion. I try to stand up but she grabs my neck, chocking me. "I hate you! I wish I never seen you!" she shouts.

I did not fight back. I want her to be mad at me for all I have done. I didn't want this. All I want is a life with her. I want to feel the pain she has felt for the past years.

She lets me go and cry. I try to comfort her but she roars, "Don't touch me!" I back up and just look at her. Out of knowhere she says,

"I loved you Ben... I loved you. But you are not the Ben I loved."

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