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Kylo Ren

I stretch my hand. Waiting to tell her what I planned for our future together. "Join me Claire. We could rule the galaxy together," I say.

She walks to me and looks into my eyes. "I would love to..." she says as she walks to me, which made me smile. "But..." she adds which make my smile vanish.

She grabs the saber in my belt. She ignites it and points it at me as tears escapes her beautiful eyes. "The galaxy doesn't need to be ruled," she continues. "Please Claire..." I beg.

"Get out," she says to me but I did not move. "Get out!" she shouts loudly. I move to the door and leave as soon as possible.

I walk to my room and feel Hux going to her room. He sigh in defeat. I was never there when she need me. She has been looking for me since the day I kill all those innocent Jedis. I never cared. She is right, I am selfish monster.

But I had a heart, it is beating for her. For Claire. Always for her. I think being in the Dark Side and ruling the Galaxy will keep her safe. I will keep her in my arms forever.

I was blinded by the power that I forgot that I am doing this for her. I forgotten what I promised.

"While I am still alive, no one will ever hurt you again."

I forgotten my precious Claire.

I snap out as he heard a knock. I grab my helmet and put it on. I open the door and it reveals a Red Knight. My eyes widens. What are they doing here?

"The Supreme Leader asks for your presence at the dock," it says in a monotone voice. The dock? Why the dock?

I walk to the dock with the Red Knight at my side. What I see is a horrifying scene. Snoke force pulling Claire to him.

"Go!" she shouts at Phasma and Hux. They look at her hesitantly. "Go!" she screams before they finally took off the base.

Snoke force pulls her closer. "Let me go!" she hisses at him. She looks at me. I read her mind.

I will kill you monster for taking my Ben away from us. From me.

"Let me go," she hisses. "You naughty girl. You manage to fool General Hux and Captain Phasma, but you can't fool me," he says. He stands up straight and says, "You love my apprentice don't you." He laugh menacly. Which send shiver down my spine.

"I hate him more than you'll ever known," she snaps which makes my heart break. "Oh, I can see it girl." "The dreams you have with him beside you in bed. Kissing you to sleep. It is very nice to know," he shares her dreams.

A tear slips down my eyes when she shouts, "Get out of my head!" "Oh! I will get out," he says before making her unconscious. The Red Knights goes in and he instructs, "Bring her to the Finalizer."

In the trip on the way to the the Finalizer, I have fallen asleep.

"Ben, my grandson," Anakin Skywalker smiles at me.

I look at my surroundings. It is all white. It is like we are inside a white box. "Where am I?" I ask as I rub my eyes. "You have fallen asleep... I decided to talk to you personally. Since you don't want to listen to Claire. Poor Claire," he explains.

I tilt my head in confusion. "Are you copying her manners?" he laughs at me. I can't believe Darth Vader is laughing.

"Are you really Darth Vader?" I assure my self and he scoffs, "Am I- Grandson, are asking if am I Darth Vader?" "Yes, I am, Grandfather," I nod.

He kick my legs which makes me fall to the ground. For a dream, the impact hurts so much. "Ouch!" I say and he breathes in deeply.

"I didn't know my grandson will be this stupid," he whispers but I heard it loud and clear. "Hey!" I shout as a sign that I heard it.

"I am Darth Vader, okay," he says as he shakes his head. "Then why are you not... intimidating?" I ask and he laughs.

"Because this is me before I began Darth Vader. Being him is a mistake that I can't take back... but I wish I could," he sighs as he sits on chair.

I sit in my chair also and ask, "Why did you regret it? You were close on ruling the galaxy." He softly chuckles and simply says, "Ruling the galaxy will be nothing compared to being with your loves ones."

His eyes crystalizes. "I miss Padme so much... I regret hurting her..." he shares and I bow my head. I know what he feels. "Well, you are lucky that you have an understanding girl," he says as he wipes his tears.

"Claire?" I ask and he nods, "Yes Claire. She is very determined to get you back. She loves you so much." "You are lucky that she still loves you after you killed your father. She think Han as his father," he says as he eats a bread. "Where did you get that?" I wondered and mumbles through the bread, "Imagination."

"Why doesn't she get angry when I told her I killed Han?" I ask for an answer. "Because she knows that you regret it. She knows that you are manipulated by Snoke," he tells me and I nod.

"Does mom still love me?" I ask and he smiles, "Of course, my daughter still loves you. Please tell her how much I love her when you see her again." I nod, "I promise."

I want to ask something but afraid on what the answer maybe. "Ben, is there something troubling you?" he asks and I swallow the lump on my throat. "I am afraid on losing her," I say as I know what might happen on the Finalizer. Snoke is going to make me kill her.

"Fight for her. After all, she is the light to your darkness."

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