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Hux places me at the bed. He leaves but I stop him by holding his hand. "Can we talk?" I ask and he thinks about it. "Sure," he smiles.

I pat the spot beside me. He sits down and looks at the wall. "You are a great general," I comment and he finally looks at me. "Thanks?" he says unsurely. I stiffle a laugh and tell him again, "You are a great general."

"Thanks," he says more sure. "What makes you say that?" he asks curiously. "You are care about your people. You are not risking their lives for the sake of revenge like he did," I explain and he just smiles.

"You will make a good general in the Resistance," I add and he looks at me with a seriously look. "Me, the General of the First Order, will me the General of the Resistance. That is so ridiculous," he scoffs. "I am serious. You will be the most iconic General in history," I compliment and he looks at me.

"You are just trying to escape. Don't you?" he suspects, I shake my head. "I am not joking General," I say in a serious tone. He furried his brow and tilt his head.

"General Leia Organa, offered me the position. But I decline it. I have only one mission in life," I share and he asks, "What mission?"

I look at him in the eyes and say, "To find Ben Solo." "Ben Solo? Leia and Han's son?" he asks and I nod. I bow my head and fiddle with my hands.

"He is the only reason why I live. He help me during the tough time in life. He makes me happy when I am sad. He is my everything," I smile involuntarily while telling. "And I am willing to dedicate my life on bring him back," I add with determination filling my body.

Hux pats my back and says, "I can't believe the most dangerous woman in the galaxy is having a heart to heart talk with me." I laugh loudly and he laughs genuinely.

"You really think I will be a great General?" he asks as the laughter fades in. "Yes, you will be respected and loved by the Resistance," I admit to him and he scoffs, "You are lying." "No, I am telling the truth. You are a great General and people here don't appreciate it," I hold his hand and squeeze it.

"I will think about it," he comments and I smile. "If I will be a General in the Resistance, I will help you find Ben Solo," he adds and I hug him. "Thank you," I whisper and he hugs me back. "Friends?" I ask and he hugs tightly, "Friends."

We let go and he stands up. "I must be going," he says his farewell and I nod. He walks to the door and looks at me again. "What?" I ask and he smiles, "I can't believe I am friends with the Most Dangerous Woman in the Galaxy." "Just remember I can kill you with in a second," I tease and he scoffs a laugh.

"Armitage," he says suddenly says out of knowhere. "Armitage?" I tilt my head. "That my first name," he adds and I mouth an o. "Okay Armitage," I salute. "Don't call me Armitage on public," he warns as he punch the code. "I won't," I shout at him while laughing.

When the door opens, Kylo Ren appears. I whimper at the corner of my bed. "What are you doing here?" Armitage grit his teeth. "I am going to talk to the girl," he says and Hux doesn't move. "Alone," he adds. Armitage looks at me and I give him an assuring smile. He narrows his eyes at Kylo Ren before leaving.

"I am sorry for what I have done," he apologizes and I tilt my head. "Huh?" comes off my mouth. "I won't repeat it again," he says and clears his throat.

"We will be heading to the training room," he says and I stand up. I cross my arms and smirk. "Yes master," I tease and he clears his throat. He opens the door and we head to the training room.

We walk in and see Kylo Ren is gripping at his lightsaber. I reach out for mine but realize, they took it. He will attack me.

He ignites it and slice it to me. Luckily, I am a skilled fighter. I dodge it. I smirk as I feel the adrenaline rush through my veins. He slashes again but this time, I duck. I punch his abdomen and hit his hand. This cause him to release the lightsaber. I easily catch it and point it at the fallen Kylo Ren.

He scoffs in a robotic monotone. He uses to the force to grab the saber again. "Impressive," he comments and I smile, "Thanks."

"Since you don't need improvement, I will just brief you about the First Order," he says as he keeps his lightsaber in his belt. "I thought General Hux will brief me," I wonder and he huffs. "I will brief you since he is busy with the problem," he says obviously mad at my word.

"Okay," I obey and go to his back. "What are doing?" he asks and I smile, "Following you." "You are still childish," he comments and I furry my brows, "Always?" "I just assume," he stammers and I just nod. I decide not to push further.

I trail behind him as we walk to the room where he will brief me. "Sooo..." I try to break the ice and he looks his shoulder. "Where are going?" I ask nicely and he just walks away, leaving me alone. "I am just trying!" I whisper shout at no one.

I jog to follow him. We arrive at the room and he walks in. "Conference Room," he says and I tilt my head. He bows his head before looking at me again. "We are at the conference room," he corrects and I nod in understandment.

"Let's begin."

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