Chapter 1

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(A/N will all of you lovely people please pretend that all of BVB is 20-23ish please? Just for the sake of the story? Thanks!)

"SCREAM, SHOUT, WE ARE THE FALLEN ANGELS!" my alarm screamed at me. I turned over and hit the alarm clock with such force I heard a crack. 'Shit.' I thought. I rolled over again and fell out of my comfy bed. ''I hate Mondays.'' I mummbled to myself. I got up and walked to my bedroom door. I opened it and dragged myself to the bathroom down the dimly lit hallway. I glared at the reflection in the mirror. I brushed my black and red hair out and jumped into the shower. I shuddered as the hot water hit my back.

Foldgers was wrong. The best part of waking up is a hot shower! I chuckled at the thought. I finished the showering essentials and wrapped myself in my pink and black zebra stripped towel. I brushed my teeth and dried myself off and walked back to my room. I put on a BOTDF t-shirt, black ripped skinnys, one red and one black pair of Vans, and about 20 different braclets with various bands like BVB, PTV, SWS, and Asking Alexandria to name a few. I went back into the bathroom and finished my hair and makeup. I looked in the mirror one last time and with a satisfied smile skipped downstairs with my skull and crossbones backpack. I looked at my mom in the kitchen and kissed her cheek.

"Morning mama!" I said.

"Morning Wren!" She said in a cheery voice. I put some bread in the toaster and waited for the thing to pop up. When it did I jumped. I always do. I'm a very jumpy person. I buttered the toast and took a bite.

"Mama." I say with a sweet voice.

"What is it Wren?" She asked knowing I only use my sweet voice for things I want.

"Can I go to a concert on the 16th?" I ask with puppy dog eyes.

"Of June? Maybe it's still one month away." She says. The concert I want to go to is Warped Tour. She's never let me go and this time I really want to because Black Veil Brides is going. They are my favorite band ever. And I mean EVER.

"What concert is it?" She asked.

"It's Warped Tour. And Black Veil Brides is going to be there!" I say sweetly and sugar coated.

"You can go. On one condition though. Kayden goes with you." She says.

"Thanks mom. You know how I want to get to know my new step brother better." I say. I really do actually. He never talks to anyone and stays in his room all the time. He seems really quite awesome though. Even if we aren't related everyone thinks we are because we are both in the "scene/emo" type of catagory.

"And you both like the same kind of music so there ya go!" She says.

"Kayden!!! Time for school!!!" I yell at him.

"Coming!" He yells back at me.

"You're driving me today." I say.

"Fine but I get to choose the music." He says. Then we both walk out the door.

"We both like the same music dumbass!" I say.

"No shit Sherlock."

"Whatever." I say and roll my eyes. I get into the 2007 silver Dodge Charger and we are on our way. We both go to the same high school so he sometimes drives me.

"Thanks bro." I say as I get out and head to my friends. I heard him mumble something and thought nothing of it. I see Whisper and run towards her.

"WHISPER!!!" I scream and tackle her. She screamed as I fell onto her.

"Ow!" We said in unsion.

"Remind me not to do that." I say and stood up. I helped her up too and started talking to Lilah about hair dye seeing as she just dyed it from blue to purple. Then the bell rang and we were off to class.

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