meeting selena

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Selena POV
I roll over not feeling the warmth of the bed that once consumed me. I slowly sat up in the bed, when a wave a nausea flew over my whole body. I sprung up from the bed pushing the door open with my foot as both hands cover my mouth not wanting to spill my guts on niks new thousand dollar carpet. Hovering over the toilet the wave just continues to spill out of me. Reoccurring nausea had been getting the best of me for three weeks now, not stop sickness and fatigue. Standing up from the toilet in hope that when I am fully stood straight the wave will have passed.
Slipping my hair out of the ponytail, I slip in the shower letting the hot water drown the pain in my stomach away. I reach out to the touch screen pad in the shower pressing the but that plays the soothing sound of instrumental piano ring through the bathroom. The sound of the piano has always hit my heart ever since I was a little girl; the instrument just infatuated for as long as I can remember. I just when I feel a hand place around my waist.
" goodmorning my little calla" nik sexually whispers in my ear as he begans to step in the shower. As soon as the water hits is leg he let's out a harsh groan. He has called me calls ever since we first met, he said i reminded him of purity; calla being a flower often associated with purity and innocence.

" Selena what the hell are you trying to do in here boil some damn noodles."
I can't help but let out a light chuckle

"Oh handsome, I though you were a big scary man. Yet here you are scared and hurt by a little bit of water, hmmm I suppose my man just must be a little cub hidden in a bears skin"

"Sorry Calla you are from from in love with a little cub. However just because I may be scary does not mean, I am openly excoriated about burning my skin completely off my body love."

I lean over and touch the pad to lower the sound of the piano and the temperature of the water. While nik lathers my hair in shampoo and begins to was my hair.

" I have a meeting with a few of my business partners over some products being shipped out tonight. I won't be around the house for your entertainment tonight, however if you have an emergency we will be in my office, just let hit the light it will signal you need me."
" okay nik, I am probably going to be out all day, I have errands and shopping to do."

"Very well my, I love you my beautiful calla".

With that nik steps out of the shower and begins to dry off, before he exits the bathroom door I call to him.

"You haven't even washed yourself yet nik?"

" I showered this morning love, I just couldn't resist getting my hands on you atleast not in that state."

I nodded to him, slightly upset that he did not continue to shower with me. I finished my shower and began to get dressed putting in something comfortable. I settled with a pair of black legging and a larger cream sweater and my white chucks.

I been shopping for almost and three hours now just simply to get out of the house. Nik seems to have me tucked away in our living quarters, he says he feel at ease know I'm at reach whenever he is doing business. Nik business seems to require his attention almost 24/7. I'm not one hundred percent sure what it is nik does but I know he dabbles in a little bit of everything. He invests good portion of money in alot of small business and so far their performances have succeeded, because ik makes good... no very good money. It seems almost impossible but Nik makes BILLIONS of money, you would think he stole money from every bank in the world, with the way his bank statements read.

I head to our bedroom, hmm weird nik must not realize I am home as he normally the first person to greet me. I open the doors to our bedroom and place my bags in the closet, sighing I reach in the bag I got from the market and pull out the test. This test is most likely to come out negative at I am on birth control. I lean on the bathroom counter and stare at the box reading the instructions, I can't help but part of me wants to just throw this box away and forget I even though of this as a possibility. I continue to stare at the box , before I finally open it and sit on the toilet.
Two minutes gone by and I turn the stick over. Mentally changing that the stick tell you pregnant or not and how many weeks you are.

Pregnant 5+

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