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The device reads "gun disarmed "

It brings me back once again I am pulled back into this horror. My son is put in a position we're his life is at risk, my son is at risk of losing the one thing I tried to save for him... his innocence.

" w-what is that?" My voice his shaky but I'll be damned if he doesn't keep me in the loop with what is happing with my son.

Klaus lets out a breath of hot air before he finally speaks.

" it's an alarm system, calla. This system allows me to control everything, I determine every occurrence that happens within my home. The lights do not so much as turn off without me giving my okay. This *he points at the phone in his hand* device makes sure of that."

I scuff

" yeah every occurrence huh, even the one when a gun goes off and our son could be the one hurt right now.. do you control that too?"

My voice rings with attitude

He stays quite, as we continue to walk into the direction in which the phone point us to the room the gun was shot.

The rooms are adding up, making our destination come only quicker.




The number just seem to come at a quicking pace.

My heart is practically pounding at my chest, my breath is barley making it out of my body. The oxygen in the room must be drastically declining because it feels as if I am suffocating.




The number carved into a metal framed door, the metal doesn't look like your basic steal door; it's black marble door with a deep red trim.

It feels as if we been sitting at this door for years, my mind flooding with one thing. My son, I will give up my life to save my bear. If today is that day, I hope my son know that everything I did, every word I spoke every move I made was out of nothing but pure love. Till my last breath, I will love my son, I will fight for my son.

" open the fucking door already Nicklaus "

He words fail to come in an audible tone but the door does in fact open, the marble door slide open as an sliding door would.

My body takes action before my mine registered it too.

My eyes are only focused for one thing, bear. I graze over the walls, following the trim as if it was a guideline giving me directions.

My ears have almost been completely shut off, as if my eyes were taking up all the "powers" of my senses, using them to strength just the one.

That is until I hear a whimper, the soft moan of a child.

My eyes shoot over to bear cuddle in the corner, we're the too red walls meet. His knees are poked at his chest, his head rest between the two of his knees. Bear's long arms tighten around his whole body, as if he is desperately trying to consume himself. That's when I see it, when my eyes trails the length of his arms to see the red blood stained on his hands.

The metallic liquid dripping from his finger onto his shoe. My eyes scurrying all over his body now, my feet moved me too his body . I wrap my arms around his torso, pressing his head into my chest. Rocking him slowly like I used to when he have a nightmare.

Time seems to be irrelevant right now in this singular moment, so irrelevant that it's as if it just left leaving us here to sit in this loop that never ends.

" I- I didn't mean to mama ....".

His cries buried into my body, the moment the words slip from his tongue my heart crashes.

" I know baby, I know "

" good cop... bad cop.. I tought i was game. H- he . I ... I .. had to potty mama.. I had to potty... "
He hiccups .. His sobs practically keeping his words from coming.

The tears spring from my eyes, not because my son just took a mans life... but because of what this brings to his. What if this breaks him, what if he shuts down. To have blood on your hands at 4 to have taken a mans life. The innocents ... stolen at 4

His words break my trail of thoughts ... yet again

" I had to potty... I potty ... i has a plan.. to sneak and win .... I went looking .... I looked in bathwoom... I twrip, when I trwip I hit... I huwt my awm... a thing pop up.."

The hiccups just keeps coming, his sobs are louder the longer he tells his story. I try to stop him, to let him know that it will be okay. I try to console his hurt.

" a toy mama ... I tought it's a toy. It huwt him mama ... I huwt him"

I feel my body over come with a pain, one I never felt. Not when I left niklaus or my family. A pain the runs deeper than that. A pain the shatters the soul of a mother.

" I taught I was good guy "

" but .... but .... *sobs* I'm not mama ......

I'm bad... berry berry bad.

I'm the villain mama."

His arms reach out and tighten around me, he is holding on as if I am gonna let him go.

"Daddy .. daddy was not a bad guy ... *sobs*

Daddy was run from me.. daddy do not....want me ....cause I'm bad... daddy ... do not love bad"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2019 ⏰

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