daddy is a superhero

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**Four years later**
I sigh in relief as the last customer leaves the store. The music store was supposed to close almost an hour ago, however one older couple had stopped and starred down every piano this building as to offer. Closing up the pianos, and counting the cash register; I begin to pack my belonging I have to pick up bear in about twenty minutes from head start school.

I turn around to lock the shop door, when and arm grips my shoulders. Taking in a deep breathe I turn to see who it is.

" gosh dammit Jeremiah, you scared the shit out of me." With that I let a small slap to his chest.

He let's out a slight chuckle and kisses my forehead." I know your car is in the automotive shop this morning and I am just here to walk my girl to her son."

Jeremiah owns a bennies auto store, they have done successfully well across America and many other countries. He has branched out his business across the world almost. Jeremiah and I have been "together" for about a year after I left nik. I had asked him not to refer to Benjamin as his son, I can't surpass the quilt of lying to bear about who his father is. A small amount of quilt has eaten my up day by day for taking the chance of bear knowing his true father; however I couldn't have risked the life of my son for that lying criminal.

"Babe, are you okay you seem spaced out? Hard day at work?" His brown and gold eyes are full of concern, Jeremiah has been a blessing to me and bear and I love him... i just can't help but compare this love to the one I had with nik. It doesn't even compare, but Jeremiah is true, he is kind, and he deserves happiness. I plan to give him just that.

" yes, I'm just tired is all . After a nap I am sure I will be fine jare."

" okay love"

We rounded the corner to bear's headstart and I see him, standing by his teacher showing her " how many he is ". His teacher points my direction and bear darts straight at me. I catch him in a giant hug and place a kiss to his head.

" hi little bear"

" ew mommy no wittle see I'm twiee " he hold up three fingers, and places them right at the bride of my noise, I let out a laugh.

"You will always be my little bear."

His teacher made her way over to us, she smiled and shook my hand.

" Benjamin's mother, how are you Maria?"

"I am good thank you, how are you" she always seemed so bitter towards me and I know why. I see the way she looks at Jeremiah, like he is the ticket to her dream luxurious whorish life.

" Father's Day breakfast is tomorrow. We have decided that if a child's father could not attend then the child without a father would sit in the classroom and eat; we wouldn't want them to embarrass them."

Oh hell no she did not just fucking say that my child was an embarrassment? Since when did you need a fucking father to be successful or any damn thing. Right as I am about to open my mouth to snap this bitch in her damn place, Jeremiah speaks up.

" I will be attending my son's breakfast, as my wife and I do not appreciate your tone. If you would like to keep your job I advice you too keep the big mouth of yours shut."

I'm not even the one that said it and my mouth is sealed. I have never seen Jeremiah have such a nasty tone directed at anyone. I have seen some customers and even employees talk to him in complete disgusting manners; never has he once slipped his temper. I wonder why now did his temper on rise to the surface. Although I do not like the face he referred to bear as his son, I am quite proud. He seen a situation where my son was in a position to be hurt and he stepped up as a father should, maybe I can tell bear this is the man who although is not his father stepped up to be.

We just arrived at my house, we have not said a word to each other on the walk home. I am not sure what is running through Jeremiah head or even bears for that matter, teacher pulled this whole stunt in front of my three year old son. Benjamin is young but he is far from stupid, he may not beable to form high tech sentences but he know and understands them.

I can tell bear is tired by the way his eye slowly blink and his shoulder are now slouching. The head start was on the same street as Jeremiah's shop, so he gave us the lift home. I pick bear up and craddle him to his bed, laying him down and placing the covers over his body. Bear is far too tired to change into pajamas and I know in an hour he will be up and ready to take over the town again. I kiss him on his forehead and stand up about to leave the room.

" mommy" his little voice croaks

" yes baby"

" daddy love me?"

I'm stunned I don't know what to say... tears brim my eyes my baby almost four years without his father why do I have to break my own babies heart.

" baby, daddy does things that could cause you and mommy to be really scared. Daddy just needs time to make it not scary for us anymore."

" daddy not a nice daddy? He mean?"

" no baby daddy is not mean he just, he just ... he loves you baby, he just not around nice men."

" they huwt my daddy"

" no baby, daddy is safe. He is just battling the bad men right now."

Bear face light up " daddy a super hero"

More like villian but I can't crush him ... not like that.

" something like that baby"

" Jawamiah my daddy, till my weal daddy come."

" I... um... I dont know baby, get some sleep"

I just him just a little longer today. My Benjamin, hurting cause his father is gone. I can't help but hear the own shattering of my heart. Where did I go wrong, parts of me wishing I would have stayed so he never had to shed these tears. I did what I thought was right, I just hope that one day when he is older he doesn't hate me for the life I took him from.

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