2 | Some People Just Want To Watch The World Burn

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The sun leaked through Akane's sheer grey curtains and went directly into her eyes. She groaned against one of her many pillows. It was way too early for her liking. Akane rolled off her comfortable bed before trudging to her closet.

She slipped on a tie-dye jean skirt and a light grey hoodie. Akane styled her sleek hair into a bun, sprayed on one of her many perfumes, and slipped on her solid white sneakers. She applied her usual make-up; mascara, pink lipgloss and blush.

She glanced at herself in her bathroom mirror before deciding she looked good enough. Nobody could see her scrawny upper body, but her legs being revealed made her anxious. Her dislike towards her body had always stuck with her. It sat in the back of her mind constantly brewing like a witch's potion. Akane shook the feeling off before hurrying to breakfast secretly hoping nobody would look at her.

To her luck everyone was minding their own business. She let out an exhale until someone put their hands in front of her eyes. " Guess who? " A familiar voice said.

Akane's shoulder relaxed once she noticed she familiar scent. He smelled woodsy like most wolves, but with a hint of bananas, is favorite fruit. " Morning Jed. "

He took his hands off her face " Aw man how did you know. "

" Your odor. " Akane teased.

Jed placed a hand over his heart and fake winced. " Ow, wow that hurt. "

Akane rolled her eyes " As much as I'd love to talk, I have to get some breakfast. "

" I already ready grabbed you a plate. C'mon it's your favorite. " Jed persuaded her.

She sighed before letting him pull her outside to eat with the wolfpack. She normally did so anyways. Jed was one of her few friends at this school- he was very pushy, but meant well at the end of the day.

Akane sat down next to Jed. In front of her was an egg on white rice with a bowl of honeydew. " Thanks Jed. " She said before taking a sip of green tea.

Jed, along with her two other friends, knew how much she missed Japan so she'd eat this everyday for breakfast. She tried to keep all her meals close to home, but sometimes the menu would change. Alaric being the headmaster tried to add a few options for her, but couldn't always do it. He had other students to think about which Akane respected.

" Is Rafael here? " Akane asked Jed curiously.

Jed furrowed his thick eyebrows in confusion. " Who? "

" Rafael Waithe, he's the new werewolf we brought back from our last mission. " Akane said while shoveling rice into her mouth.

Realization flicked throughout Jed's features. " Ah, him. We haven't gotten to him, yet. "

" Weird I thought he hungout with the wolfpack at the party the other night, but I guess its understandable I mean you have other things on your mind being the pack Alpha and all. " Akane thought outloud.

Interrupting their conversation Hope came up to Akane. " Emma's looking for you. "

Akane groaned at the very thought. " I don't feel like going today. "

" Neither did I. Warning: I might of told her off. " Hope said biting her lip.

" Are you okay? " Akane asked seeing her friend clearly distressed.

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