14 | Target On My Back

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During the entire flight Akane sat quietly by the window watching the clouds around her. Caroline was surprised by her calmness with being on a plane. It didn't seem to affect her. Instead the girl seemed do daze off in disinterested like the could care less. It made Caroline hurt that that little girl had lost so much, but had remained so strong for the new life she was given.

" Would you like something to eat? Or drink? " Caroline asked the young girl hoping she would respond.

She didn't. After there moment of tears in the bathroom Akane remained silent. She hadn't spoken a word or even met Caroline in the eyes. Her silence scared Caroline to a point where she wanted to compel the girl to forget what happened. Sadly, compulsion doesn't work on the supernatural.

The rest of the flight was quietly even with the many people around them. It seemed dreary compared to her normal flights. Akane remained staring out the window with a loo of disdain on her face whenever they landed as well. During the car ride to the school she remained silent. It was till they pulled up in front of the school is when Akane spoke up.

Her voice cracked and her eyes were glossy. Caroline mentally kicked herself for being so inconsiderate. The girl had just lost everything she's ever known. " I'm scared. "

Caroline unbuckled her seat belt before reaching over and wrapped her arms around the young girl. " It'll be okay I promise. My daughters go here and are close to your age. You'll get along just fine. "

Akane nodded her head before getting out of the car with the vampire. She pulled a small suitcase that Caroline had given her with some of her daughters clothes and new ones. Akane seemed to prefer a sweater or loose dress over tighter fitting materials. She also enjoyed feminine shoes like flats or solid white sneakers.

Right now Akane was in Lizzie's lavendar sweater that was a bit too large so it fit her like a dress. Akane wore the same shoes as yesterday. She nervously hovered behind Caroline. Which Caroline found cute. She was like her second shadow.

When Caroline walked in she was greeted with Alaric Saltzman. " Caroline. " He said with a small smile.

" Alaric. I brought the girl, " She looked over her shoulder and gestured Akane to walk around her. " Say hello. "

Akane stared at her shoes as Alaric crouched down to her level. " Hi there, my name's Alaric. I'm the principal here. "

" She doesn't know what that his. " Caroline said to him.

Akane glanced up at Caroline and pulled on here sleeve. " I'm hungry. Can I have something to eat? "

" Yeah let's go to the kitchen. "

" Wait Caroline we need an evaluation first. Make sure she's not dangerous. " Alaric whispered the last part.

" Oh calm down. We're getting food. You can evaluate in the kitchen. " Caroline said while leading the girl through the kitchen.

The trio walked to the kitchen to see three girls snacking on icecream. The blonde and brunette saw Caroline and yelled " Mom!? "

They ran towards the woman with smiling faces and wrapped their small arms around her waist. Caroline laughed loudly as she returned the embrace. " Oh I missed you so much. "

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