12 | Dream Demon

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A/n: It's been a hot minute since I've published a new chapter and I want to say I'm sorry. Also this is a reminder to vote and maybe even follow me.

For some reason Akane couldn't recall how Landon got to the school or how they found him. She couldn't remember anything after she left Rafael in the common room with her school textbooks. So when she returned and he asked her what had happened. Akane felt the guilt weigh heavily in the pit of her stomach as she mumbled " I don't remember. " She feared he wouldn't believe her.

To her surprise Rafael nodded his head in response before saying " Thank you. "

" W-What?! "

A light blush tinted his cheeks. " For getting Landon and making me stay. I had an extra day to study. Plus we had a pack accident. "

" What do you mean? " She cocked her head to the side in confusion.

" Jed and another wolf got in a fight. Also our exams have been extended. "

Akane was bummed that her friend had another problem once again. She sighed before resting her head on Rafael's chest. He wrapped his arms around her fuzzy peach colored sweater. " I missed you. " She mumbled.

He chuckled lightly making her feel the vibrations in his chest. " I missed you too. "

She opened her mouth to say something before a giant yawn broke out. Rafaels picked her up bridal style. Her brown eyes widened at the quick movement. " What are you doing? "

" Your mission must have worn you out. Get some rest and we'll talk at breakfast. "

She agreed to that and slept peacefully for the rest of the night. Atleast till all hell broke loose.


When Akane woke up she learned that she had three exams later, had missed an emergency meeting last night, and her boyfriend had a nightmare that actually harmed him.

While she was enjoying a nice bowl of fried eggs and rice, Alaric had called another emergency meeting. She grabbed the ceramic bowl and carried it into the room. She briefly listened to him talking about evacuation and a sleep monster. Of course she snorted. Like she was going to evacuate.

This meeting was short and all it really meant was not to fall asleep. Akane had left the room to her classes where exams were being held. During this time she felt successful after everyone one of them. The teenager had decided to treat herself with bit of cookie dough icecream. It grew on her, much like Penelope Parks had.

Akane snuck into the kitchen slyly before opening the freezer and pulling out her guilty pleasure. Once she pulled back the plastic lid she frowned at the empty container. She huffed in annoyance before heading to her rooms. Atlast minute she turned around deciding to surprise Rafael and train with him.

When she had approached the gym she heard people talking inside. Along with a few grunts and body falling to the floor. She entered to see Hope laying down next to Rafael. They were all sweaty and out of breathe. Akane smiled at the slight bond that had grown between the two. " I see you finally met your match Raf. " She teased, capturing their attention.

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