7 | She's gone bananas

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Akane shifted her feet uncomfortable for standing in place for so long. She held the curling iron in her left hand as she brushed her teeth with her right hand. She was grateful that she was ambidextrous. The lucky one percent of the people that could actually multitask. It was something she took for granted during her study sessions with Jed and Penelope.

She sighed thinking of Jed. She needed to talk to him today and hoped he would be able to forgive her. Akane felt guilty that he was no longer Alpha but he was acting so controlling and unfair to Rafael. She didn't even have a clue why.

Usually Jed was caring and helped his pack out because they were his first priority. She remembered how her first time playing Wickory with the other students she kept failing not being able to use her abilities they they did. Akane had fallen multiple times up until she fell right in front of Jed. He gave her a warm smile and held out his hand. She had taken it. At the time the only other person at the school that had treated her with kindness was Hope, who still kept her distance.

He had even given her his favorite snack to help her energy afterwards. It was a banana which he smelled greatly of.

Akane sighed setting the hot iron down on the sink before rubbing her temples. Thinking of how greatly she had messed up. Tears welled in her eyes and she fanned her face with her hands. She didn't want to cry. Everything would be fixed by the end of today. She promised herself she would fix everything.

Glancing at the clock hanging above her door she realized she needed to hurry up or she'd miss breakfast and she was thin enough, she couldn't afford missing a meal.

The kitsune had sprayed hairspray on her curls before slipping on a silky black top and crochet white shorts. In her hexagon shaped bathroom mirror she applied pink lipgloss on and mascara before slipping on her white hightops that were covered in lace. The sixteen year old hurried down the stairs trying not to miss a step before running to the cafeteria.

Once she entered, slamming the doors open in the process, her dark brown eyes searched for Rafael. She spotted him outside with the pack. They were all laughing and fooling around while he looked like he was thinking about something. Akane grabbed a tray before grabbing a bottle of orange juice, a bowl of apple cinnamon oatmeal and a bowl of melon. She walked outside and sat down next to Rafael.

He didn't look up from his food. She poked his cheek playfully which startled him. He looked up in slightly fear causing her to scrunch her eyebrows together. Before she could say anything about it he commented on her appearance. " You curled your hair. It looks nice. "

Her face blushed and she sipping her orange juice to calm herself down at the tiny compliment. " Thank you, but are you okay? You look a little dazed. "

Rafael's full lips pursed before answering her question. " I actually have something I want to talk to you about. Privately though. "

Akane gulped nervously wondering if he was wanting to stop what was between them. They weren't exactly dating, but they were past the talking stage. It's like they just were labeled yet. She hoped it wasn't that, anything but him no longer being interested on her. It would just break her heart.

" O-Okay. How about the docks? "

Rafael nodded and agreed that after breakfasts they would talk at the docks.


Akane's blood was boiling. Akane was seething. Akane was seeing red.

Her fingernails dug into the palm of her hands as the bawled into fist clinging to the sides of her body. It took every fiber in her body not to hunt down a certain blonde. This feelings of anger was new to Akane. She was normally calm and collected, but upon hearing what had happened last night drove her over the edge.

Hope and Alaric had been walking towards the docks while Rafael was watching Akane have an inner conflict. Hope noticed the troubled looks on both their faces before speaking up worried for her bestfriend.

" What's going on here? "

Rafael's eyes didn't leaving Akane who was mumbling to herself. " I just told her that Lizzie kissed me last night. "

Alaric froze at those words. He worried for his daughter who had made the mistake of interfering with a mated pair. He knew how tempered werewolves were when it came to their partners, but he didn't have a clue on how kitsunes acted. Seeing Akane mumbling to herself with blood dripping from her palms made his stomach shift.

Hope also felt pity for Lizzie even though she despised the blonde bimbo she didn't want Akane to harm her....maybe a little, but the crazed look in Akane's eyes let them know she wouldn't go easy on her.

" What do I do? " Rafael asked with his voice so hushed it was almost a whisper.

" Take her to Jed. " Hope said.

Rafael looked at the girl confused and envious. " What!? "

" I said take her to Jed! He always calms her down during her little breakdowns atleast before she got the necklace. " Hope said remembering how nobody could really help the girl, but him back then.

Rafael didn't want to bring the girl he loved to the boy who had tried tearing them apart, but if it would help her he would. He scooped the frail girl into his arms before carrying her to the old Alpha. Akane didn't lean her head on his shoulder even though she wanted to. She was acting stubborn.

Rafael had found Jed sitting down at the Wickory field eating a banana. When he saw a distressed Akane he dropped the fruit and rushed over to her. " What happened? "

" I told her that Lizzie kissed me. I just didn't want to keep it from her. "

Jed picked up Akane from Rafael's rough grip. He leaned into Akane's ear and whispered. " Remember when we first met? "

Akane nodded remembering it all over again like she did earlier that morning. " Do you remember what I told you? "

She nodded again. " What did I say? " Jed asked gently.

" Y-You said that it took me a lot of guts to get up and keep trying when I didn't even know what I was doing. "

" Do you know why I said that? "

Akane inhaled " Be-cause, " She exhaled panicked " Because you- "

The boys wondered why she had trailed off. They followed her gaze. Across the field was Lizzie Saltzman accompanied by MG and Josie. The two werewolves shared a knowing look. They both knew all Hell was about to break loose.

A/n: I know I'm leaving you once again on a cliffhanger, but I'll be updating again once I complete the next chapter. By the way this chapter and the next won't be involved in the show's original show so I'm just making it up right now. Don't forget to vote 🖤

Word Count: 1,202 including this message and the authors note.

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