9 | Mombie Dearest

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Akane was shocked when Hope busted through her bedroom door. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and scoffed.
" Knock much? "

Hope rolled her green eyes and sat down on the edge of her bed. " I need girl talk. "

Akane raised her eyebrows before leaning closer. " Is this about a certain green eyed boy? "

" His eyes are greenish grey that only show up green when he's wearing green and the rest of the time they're grey. " Hope corrected her.

This caused Akane to break out into a smile. Hope has never really been one to have a simple crush, besides he-who-shall-not-be- named. Akane was excited for her friend.

Hope noticed her smile and shoved her own face into a pillow. " Ugh I'm such a blubbering mess. "

" Hopeless romantic is a good look for you. " Akane teased while poking the tribrid's cheek.

Hope swatted her hand away. " Enougu about me. How are you and mister Alpha. "

" He's been really sweet. Whenever he's around I can't think straight....he actually gets to me Hope. "

The girl smiled remembering on the day Akane usually grieved by herself was able to cry on someone's shoulder and how she was able to be calmed down from one of her breakdowns. Both of which no one was successful with helping her through. That is until Rafael showed up.

Hope bit her lip wondering of Alaric has even told her they were mates. She doubted it. " I just wish he wasn't helping with the twin's birthday party. "

" He's what?! "

" Alaric said if he and the pack helped out with the party we both could ditch it. We're actually planning a date by the docks. " Akane sighed dreamily.

" Do you know what your going to wear? "

Akane nodded before pulling out a white dress that was off the shoulders with a black bow ribbon that looked around her neck. The material looked flowy and reached a few inches above her knees. " Caroline actually sent it to me. It was for the twin's party, but I'm not going so I might as well put it to good use. "

Hope observed it and smiled. " You should curls your hair. Rafael seems to like that. "

Akane blushed before putting to dress back in her closet. " Let's go back to talking about your crush now. "


Skipping into the kitchen Akane almost doubled over in laughter at the sight before her. Rafael had flour sprinkled over his clothes and was holding a lump of what looked like coal while wearing pink oven mitts.

" What. Is. That!? " Akane pointed at the solid black block that Rafael held as she wheezed.

Rafael mumbled somethinh unintelligible. Causing Akane to laugh even harder so tears pricked the corner of her eyes. " Oh my God! "

The werewolf slapped his mitts on the island before picked up Akane and setting her on the counter as well. She stopped laughing. Rafael towered over her and his breathe fanned her face. Her heart rate slowly increased.

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