3 | We're Being Punked, Pedro

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Alaric scolded his two daughters for starting a riot of the football team and Hope for using dark magic. " What about Akane?! How come everyone is getting punished, but her?! She's skipped class all day, daddy! " Lizzie informed her father.

Hope ran to Akane's defense. " Alaric we both know why she's not attending classes and if you punish her for it- "

" Hope, " Alaric silenced her before turning to Lizzie. " Akane has today excused. Now catch the bus before it leaves. "

Lizzie crossed her arms before stomping off with Josie following her. Hope stayed behind. " Thank you. "

Alaric turned to her alarmed. " What? "

" For not punishing Akane. I mean I'd be miserable too if my mate ran away. " Hope said with a careless shrug.

Alaric froze his brain wracking with possibilities. " How did you find out? "

" I called my Aunt Freya. She told me everything she knew about the subject. How come you didn't tell them? "

" I wasn't so sure. I still needed proof. "

" Well now she's suffering for it so you better find him. " Hope told him before heading to the bus.

Alaric sat down with a huff then out his head in his hands. He had a major headache and guilt was not helping. He had lied to Hope. He did know for sure, but he didn't want to overwhelm two kids. They were still practically strangers and Alaric didn't want to push anything on them, or make them feel forced to be together.


Landon and Rafael sat on two logs roasting a rabbit. " Next time we have to catch a deer or something. More meat less....rabbit-y. " Rafael complained at he took a bite out of it.

Landon shrugged his shoulders. " I don't care. Food is food. "

Landoned remembered the foster homes where they weren't fed. He remember falling asleep at night with a growling stomach and an insatiable hunger. It could carry on for days until he got his next meal, which was usually stale or from a can. In a way it helped him get rid of his pickiness.

Landon looked up from his meal to a sad Rafael. " Thanks for sticking with me. "

" Nowhere else I'd rather be, bro. " Rafael said staring at his shoes.

Landon knew he was lying. During that short amount of time at that school Rafael had grown close to Akane. Landon could see him finally get over Cassie and not feel guilty anymore. Now Landon had felt guilty for being so selfish and taking Rafael away from Salvatore Boarding School.

" I don't know. That school was good for you and....I can tell you miss her. "

Rafael remained silent and ate his rabbit. Landon continued to grow regretful. He could see his friends internal struggle. Rafael looked up at Landon with a bright, fake smile. " I'll be good. Just hoping she'll be okay. I didn't write her a letter like you did Hope. I didn't have time or know what to say. "

" You could've said just that. " Landon answered.


Akane had been in bed all day wearing Rafael's shirt and eating cookie dough icecream that Penelope snuck in from the kitchen. Hope had been stuck doing volunteer work all say and Akane had been too embarrassed to tell Jed about her situation so that left Penelope to comfort her. The witch had lied telling her teachers that she had period cramps leaving her whole day free.

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