i n t r o

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"rose you're going to be late!"

"i'm coming!" i say as i put the last piece of clothing in my bag. today is the day i'm going camping for a few days with no phone nor friends. fun. i'll know no one there and they won't know me. it's not that bad i guess. but i'm not that good at making friends. i don't like to socialize nor talk to random strangers. i guess it could be worse though. i don't know how but it's a possibility.

i run downstairs with my bag and sleeping bag. i tripped on the stairs a couple of times because i'm carrying so much stuff. as soon as my feet hit the tile floor my dad was there waiting for me.

"you ready?"

"i think so. i just need to brush my teeth and put my shoes on." i say setting my things down.

"well it took you long enough." he says with a chuckle. i chuckled back and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

"so do you think you'll like the camp? are you going to find boys?" my dad says the last sentence with a lot of emphasis and a wink at the end, earning a laugh from me.

"yeah no. you know boys aren't my thing dad. remember what happened with kyle? i don't think i'll ever be able to recover from him." i say. kyle was my ex and let's just say he wasn't the nicest person out there. nor the best guy to date. he was controlling and hated everything i did.

"i know i was kidding. but you have to try to get over him hun. it's been 3 years." my dad knew what happened and he's always been there for me. i just don't think i'm ready to have another boyfriend. i don't think i'll ever be ready.

"i know. i'm just not ready. all boys are the same." i say finishing brushing my teeth and putting my shoes on.

"that's not true you know. some boys are different. but you know just to take your time and know i'll always be there for you." he says putting his hands in surrender. i smile at him and walked over giving him a hug.

"i love you dad. now let's go. i'm going to be late." i say. he chuckles and pulls away.

"you say that now?"

"oh hush." we and laugh and grab my stuff heading out of the house. my dad unlocked the door making it chirp. we threw the bags in and hoped into the front seats making our way to the camp.

|  c  a  m  p  |

we've arrived at the camping parking lot where my dad gets to drop me off. we get my stuff out of the car going to one of the guys giving people directions.

"excuse me. but is there a certain place you want me to put my bag." i ask the guy. he turns around and looks at me up and down with a smile.

"what would your name be? or should i call you mine." he asks.

"rosallena smith." i say cringing.

"well you're going to be in group b and group b bags go right over there on the first tarp to your left." he says pointing the way i should go.

"thank you very much." i say walking away. my dad looked towards me and smiles.

"don't even say what i think you're going to say." he puts his hands up shrugging his shoulders.

"i wasn't going to say anything besides the fact that he was nice. you should get his number by the end of this."

"well i don't want it nor a boyfriend." i said with a huff.

"hey i'm not saying that. i'm just saying he was nice. please don't get mad at me."

"i'm not mad dad. i could never be mad."

we got to the tarps and dropped my bag and stuff on top. after that we followed where other people were going and checked in.  by the time we were finished the place had gotten busier. there's way more people getting in, in a hurry. probably thing they're late. we walked a little more forward until one of the camp counselors said this is where we part ways. me and my dad are very close and this is the shortest time i've left him. but it doesn't change anything. i still feel guilty about leaving him alone. because what if something happens when i'm away? i hate to think about that but it's a possibility.

"i guess this is goodbye for now." i say. he gives me a small smile and nods.

"have fun kiddo. loosen up and make some friends." he says pulling me into a hug. i tried holding back the tears that were threatening to come out any second.

"i will. take care of the house and yourself while i'm gone." i say with a small chuckle. he chuckles too.

"will do. now goodbye, see you later alligator." he pulled away and started walking away waving bye.

"in awhile crocodile." i say watching him leave and waving back. slowly i made my way towards where we're suppose to meet the rest of our group. i walked up the hill looking at the signs until i found group b.

"you in group b?" a guy said with a shirt that said 'staff'. he was very enthusiastic about being here and seemed to have a lot of energy built up in him. i don't know how since we had to wake up so early.

"uhh, yeah. i'm rose."

"welcome rose. we will be your counselors for the week. i'm andrew and this is eve." i waved at them and looked over to see a guy.

"i'm matt." he says. i nodded and turned away. great of course there's a boy here. just my luck. all i got to do is ignore his presence and not talk to him. this'll be so much fun.

word count~1006

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