Entry 28

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Entry 28

Wow. This is a lot to take in. Ok, so today I stormed into the Galactic Federation HQ demanding to know about the Eternity Project, but that was probably not a smart move on my part, because they then proceeded to have me tackled my security. Luckily, I came in my power suit, so stunning them was no problem. I then proceeded to make my demand again, and was escorted to a high-security room with about 15 doors. The room we ended up in was enormous, and even when I breathed it seemed to echo. I looked around, and saw that, like Ridley, there were countless other creatures floating in gigantic glass tubes. One problem though: these were all creatures I had fought, and presumably killed. Phantoon, Kraid, another Ridley, and even...

Metroids. There were several of them, all in different stages of development, and I felt my heart ache when I saw an infant.

"What is this place?" I asked the man who had led me in here.

"This is the Eternity Project, Miss Aran. Otherwise known as the only thing keeping you employed." I swallowed, feeling myself break out into a cold sweat.

"What do you mean?" I asked, refusing to let my fear show.

"Why, you didn't really think the Metroids kept coming back on their own, did you? And Ridley and Mother Brain?" I gritted my teeth, suddenly angry instead of scared.

"You idiots! Don't you know they could kill you? Why the hell would you want to clone them?" The man smiled, and my blood ran cold.

"Because," he said, "if the universe's greatest bounty hunter had nothing to hunt, she might quit. And we can't have that, can we?" I bit my cheek so hard I felt blood gush over my tongue, pointing my blaster at him. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder, whipping around to see the culprit.

Adam Malkovich.

"Lady, it's not safe for you here. Stun him, and let's go." I hated that Adam was here, and I hated it even more that he was ordering me around, but I could see in his eyes that he hated these people, and his policy about not using life for weapons came back to me.

So I stunned the man, and I'm at home on my couch now, with Adam sitting at the other end cleaning his gun. I think I'll probably rest for a little while. I'm still mad at him, but I do believe we are on the road to forgiveness. We plan on destroying the lab tomorrow.

With dread but cautious optimism,

Samus Aran.


In case one of us doesn't make it back tomorrow, I want you to know that I love you. I always have, and I always will. I would die for you, Lady. You're the light of my life, and I will never forgive myself for betraying you. It was the worst thing I could possibly do, and I'm so incredibly sorry. I wanted you to know, just in case. I love you, Samus Aran.

Yours truly,

Adam Malkovich.

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