Entry 29

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Entry 29

I lost my best friend today.

Strange how this journal should end where it began, with me losing someone dear to me. It's strange how life works out that way, isn't it? Anyway, Dr. White says I should go ahead and get this off my chest, so here I go:

When Adam and I arrived at the lab, we came armed to the teeth, and found the system that would detach it from the rest of the headquarters building so it could self-destruct in the depths of space. Adam and I had split up so he could go keep watch, but I was just about to initiate the countdown when I heard him scream, followed by an alarm and a robotic voice saying "All containment units opened," on repeat. I ran as fast as my legs would carry me, and found the scientist from the other day holding down the release button. My foes were everywhere, and I let out an instinctive cry of alarm, shooting like mad. Missile after missile flew through the air, fired by both Adam and myself. Eventually, we had thought we were through, and looked at the scientist. I don't know what I was expecting, but it was most definitely not another blood-chilling smile.

"Good work, you two. It's a shame I can't let you leave." He ended his sentence by entering some kind of code into a system, and that was when I heard it. The opening of a large metal door. I turned to see possibly the most terrifying thing in my life: Ridley.

But this Ridley was not the usual beast I was used to facing. He was gigantic; at least ten times his normal size, and I almost fainted at the sight. Then, what the scientist said next made my heart just about stop.

"Ridley? Kill the traitor."

In one quick motion, my beastly foe gripped Adam tightly in his claws, roaring loudly in his face.

"ADAM! NO!" I cried, suddenly unable to move.

"Lady! Don't worry about me! You have to destroy the lab! I love y-" That was the last thing Adam ever said to me. I felt a lump rise in my throat as Ridley swallowed, turning to face me. The scientist smiled again. What I wouldn't give to have wiped that damn smile of his smug face.

"Miss Aran," he said, "if you join me, I can bring your boyfriend back." I swallowed. Oh god, he could. He could bring Adam back. Maybe my parents, too... What was I supposed to do?!? Then it was like I could hear Adam's voice guiding me.

"Lady, sometimes people have to die for the greater good. That's just the way life is. Don't do this. Save millions of people. Do what you know you have to do." I smiled and shook my head.

"I will never join you. Not now, and not ever." He shook his head as if it was a shame. I prepared my missiles. It was time for Ridley to die for good.

"RIDLEY! I'LL KILL YOU!" I screamed, dashing forward as I watched the scientist hit that damn self-destruct button, and then the countdown began.

I had five minutes to kill Ridley and escape to my ship. So I did. Shooting missile after missile into my reptilian foe, I let out cries of revenge. For my parents. For Solomon. For Adam. For the baby metroid. I fought until Ridley was nothing but bloodied chunks lying on the ground.

And then I ran.

I ran as fast as I could, speed booster activated and thinking of nothing but escaping this godforsaken lab. Reaching my ship and flying away was right in time, and I managed to fly away from the lab, just as it detached and exploded. I bit my lip when it did, putting my ship on autopilot and letting the tears come. I sobbed until I passed out, and when I woke up, it felt like it was all a dream. When I got out of bed, I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I looked like hell. This was one story HQ was never going to believe.

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