Entry 8

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Entry 8

Tonight, I have to go to a banquet/conference at the Galactic Federation HQ. The worst part is that I have to dress "professionally", which usually means I have to wear either a dress or suit. Since a banquet seems less professional, I'll probably end up wearing a dress, but it'll be a professional one. Adam was probably invited too, but with my luck, he'll probably be the only person there that I actually know. I hope it won't be too awkward.

Yours truly,

Samus Aran.

Entry 9 (or 8 part 2)

The banquet wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. At least I got through it without doing anything embarrassing. Being raised by bird-people, I've always been a little socially awkward. Anyway, when I got there, I was greeted warmly, and must have shaken about fifty people's hands. As I looked around at first, I didn't see Adam anywhere, and, admittedly, I felt a little panicked. But, eventually, I felt a familiar hand on my shoulder and turned around to see Adam smiling at me.

"Well, Lady, I never thought I'd see you in a dress." His manner was easygoing, and I felt myself put at ease by it.

"Well, formal is formal, Malkovich. It was either this or a suit, and I didn't feel like staining something I might have to wear at something that I actually care about." Adam chuckled and led me over to a few of his friends. They were nice, but they all seemed to want to give me nicknames. One called me "Princess" and another called me "Galaxy Girl". Neither of which sounded as dignified as Adam's nickname for me. Eventually, I found an excuse to leave them, and wandered away from the crowds to explore the HQ. When else was I going to get this opportunity? The dress reached the floor, so I was able to wear my boots instead of click-clacking around in high heels. I was practically silent as I crept along, ducking behind something as soon as I heard footsteps. Eventually, I wandered into a room full of stained glass windows. Light from the planet's nearby moon streamed through them, illuminating the room. I was entranced by the sight, and didn't notice that I felt someone coming up behind me until they tapped me on the shoulder. I whipped around, instinctively thrusting out my arm to knock the person off balance in case they were a threat. I succeeded in doing this, but not before they did the same to me, sending me to the ground and watching the indigo fabric of my dress flying up slightly (not enough to show anything I hoped) and knocking the air out of my lungs as I hit the cold marble floor. I gasped desperately for breath, eyes widening and spine tingling. I sat up once I caught my breath, looking at my mysterious attacker. My heart had been pounding this whole time, but I could've sworn I felt it stop when I saw who it was.

"Wow, you really pack a punch." Laughed the man from the ground. I raised an eyebrow.

"You're the man from that waiting room. Solomon, right? What are you doing here?"

"I was invited."

"Well why did you follow me?"

"Why did I follow the universe's greatest bounty hunter? Well, it's a long story..."

And that's probably where I should stop for tonight. I'm exhausted.

Yours truly,

Samus Aran

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