Darling 1

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7 am Friday, December 18th.

Matthew Williams wakes up on a frigid winter's day ready to walk his dog around the block before he heads to his workplace. Kumajirou, a snow white husky, was ostensibly hyperactive that morning. Matthew was having trouble controlling the large dog as he tried to lick pedestrians that walked by. The moment he let his guard down, Kumajirou yanked the leash out of the poor boy's hand. Matthew cried out for his dog who ran down the path.

Ivan Braginski was a big man with beige hair and a sturdy build; he looked as if he could take on anything, except for the jumpy dog. Kumajirou lunged onto Ivan, causing him to topple backward.

"Блядь!" He exclaimed while the dog licked his face with joy. "Where is your owner?!" Ivan grasped the dog's collar and read out the name. "Well then Kumajirou, you must irritate your owner, being such an annoyance."

Poor Matthew, who was barely trailing behind, stopped before Ivan who was holding his dog up with his arm under the dog's stomach. Matthew blushed in embarrassment and thanked Ivan while regaining a hold on the leash.

"What do you think you're doing?" Ivan's voice resonated, making Matthew release a small squeak.

"I was going to take my dog home..." Matthew uttered.

"You owe me an apology, маленький мальчик," Ivan stated with vigor in his voice. "Learn to restrain your dog."

"Yes. I'm sorry, sir." Matthew fought tears. He was terrified of this man towering over him.

Matthew grasped the end of the leash and rushed back to his home, not noticing he dropped his valued pendant. Ivan picked up the accessory but was too late to return it. Matthew returned to his house and his dog settled; he acquired his phone and requested his stepbrother, Alfred, to accompany him to work. Alfred complied to his younger brother's demands and drove to the small apartment.

A pickup truck pulled up in front of Matthew's home, where two blond men exited the car. One had vivid, alluring smaragdine eyes which complimented his thick eyebrows that had a tenebrosity tone. The other had sapphire eyes and crooked quadrate glasses due to years of apathy towards is physical appearance. Matthew heard the car pulling up to his house and opened the door to see his brother enduring the viridescent eyed man adjusting Alfred's glasses.

"Come on, Artie! They're fine." Alfred articulated his annoyance to the green-eyed partner.

"No, you git! I can't stand you and your crooked glasses." Arthur rectified Alfred's glasses while Matthew watched. "Sorry about that, Mattie. We're ready to take you to work."

"Thank you, Arthur." Matthew smiled.


It was around 17:00 when Matthew returned to his abode, tired and weary. He spun around on his doorstep and watched as Alfred and Arthur drove off. Matthew slowly unlocked his door until he saw a woman with light blond locks and a colorless bow resting on her head. The woman stared at him keenly with murderous intent in her eyes. Matthew scrambled to unlatch his door.

"Natalya! Where did you run off to!" Matthew heard a familiar voice shout as the woman turned around and paced back down the street. "Вернуться сюда!"

Matthew felt a sudden relief of tension in his chest. He collapsed into his house and speedily locked the door. He did hear that a new family of 3 foreigners moved in down the street, one he encountered in the morning. Matthew could feel himself tremble in fear from that woman's gaze. Those light blue eyes pierced into his soul.

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