Darling 4

637 21 39

 Sunday, December 20, 7 am.

Matthew buried his face in his pillow. He had further subsequent dates with Ivan, the synopsis of the night's end was a blur to Matthew. He wanted to seem inconspicuous to Ivan's father, but he felt he was obtruding in someone else's family. Matthew arose from his bed and readied himself perfunctory.

He tried to ratiocinate with himself, but he inherently failed since internally he appreciated Ivan's company. Matthew spotted Kumajirou and dropped down to pet him, but Kumajirou caromed by barking. Matthew tried to suppress his dog but ascertained what the threat was.

Ivan revealed himself at the door, making Matthew ardent to open the door. Matthew felt ecstatic seeing Ivan again. He wasn't sure why, but his heart beat hastily. He invited Ivan in, overcredulous but delighted. Ivan settled, agreeing to a refreshment but his expression converted to an appalled tone as he observed Matthew drenching his coffee in maple syrup.

"Matvey," Ivan gagged. "What are you doing?"

"It mulls the coffee." Matthew took a sip.

Ivan shook his head. "You have vodka, da?"

"Vodka is so astringent and alcoholic..." Matthew savored the drink. "Don't get too drunk darli-" Matthew stopped himself.

"What?" Ivan advanced towards Matthew in attempts to make him impel his last words.

"Daring! I said daring! Or was it dancing..." Matthew articulated.

"I don't understand. You are reputed to have outlandish habits." Ivan snickered.

"Or maybe it's us..." Matthew disoriented himself while he stared at Ivan, eyes locked on his.

"Are you ogling me?" Ivan backed up. "Incubus."

"N-no. I was just..." Matthew was unnerved. "Our eyes are the same color!"

"Da, but mine are a darker mauve." Ivan rubbed his eyes.

"You're a bit rathe about seeing me this morning." Matthew blushed. "Did you want to see me?"

"I've been visiting too frequently, da?" Ivan regarded his recurring visits. "Sorry, Matvey. Should I return at a later time?"

"N-no. Please stay." Matthew was blithesome. "I fancy your company, Ivan."

"Alright," Ivan sat at Matthew's table. "I luxuriate in your presence as well, like a sunflower in the light."

Matthew unlatched a small oak drawer to exhibit a small hand-sewn badge. Matthew upheaved the badge and exposed a sunflower print in the middle. He handed Ivan the sunflower pin in which he pinned to his coat. Ivan smiled looking down on the pin, running his fingers along every stitch.

"Katyusha informed me about your affiliation for sunflowers last night." Matthew's face lit up seeing Ivan's fingers gently tracing the outline of the flower. "I made it in a rush, but I thought you'd appreciate it."

"Da, I love it Matvey," Ivan said with joy. "Thank you."

"De rien, chéri," Matthew maffled under his breath.

"What was that?"


"As much as I dislike the French, your enunciation is very soothing." Matthew blushed indistinctly at Ivan's commentary.

"So, Ivan, what are we doing today?" Matthew bent over to pet Kumajirou. "Do you have any date ideas?"

"I have multiple options that I've excogitated fully." Ivan glared at the dog who in return gave him a dumbfounded look. "If you don't bring that thing."

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