Darling 8

468 21 1

 December 24th, Thursday, at 8 am.

"Kumalivre, stay here okay?" Matthew gently pats his canine friend. "I walked you today; I left you extra treats and water too."

Matthew locked the door behind him, waving at Kumajirou through the window. Matthew spotted his neighbors Tino and Berwald wearing Santa costumes and greeting all the neighborhood children like Peter. Matthew made his way to Ivan's house and rang the doorbell.

He heard shuffling before someone opened the door. A tall man with silvery hair and a greyed mustache was standing before him. His eyes were cold but held many secrets. He stepped away from the door, allowing Matthew to enter. Ivan looked as if Matthew were a stranger.

"Son, is this the boy you are with?" The man had a deep voice, but it was clear. Ivan didn't respond. "Natalya, answer for your brother."

"This is the one, father. No mistake." Natalya's added to the tension. "I knew you would disapprove, but he wouldn't leave."

"Do not say such things." The man studied Matthew's figure. "Call me Mr. Braginski. Your name is Matthew Williams, da?"

"Yes, sir," Matthew uttered. "I am Matthew Williams."

"The same Matthew that was in my son's high school classes." Mr. Braginski added. "You went to hockey games with him, and he even bought you a stuffed bear, am I right?" Matthew's brain clicked. "I recall he bought you a jersey as well?"

Ivan couldn't look at Matthew. "I'm sorry, sir." Matthew stuttered. "I can't remember anything." Matthew hesitated. "But, I do have the bear and jersey."

"Pathetic," Natalya remarked. "Do you remember the incident?"

"Nat, please stop." Katyusha nudged her sister. "We shouldn't bring that up."

Natalya smirked at Matthew making his stomach sink. Ivan intervened and stood next to Matthew. He stared right at his father and held Matthew close to him.

"This is the same Matthew from high school," Ivan said with gratification. "But, he doesn't remember the incident."

"Oh, but you are dying to know what happened, aren't you?" Natalya leaned in. "I heard the rumors about who caused it, wouldn't you like to know?"

"No, I don't." Matthew waved Natalya away. "Sometimes it's better to not remember."

"You must be hungry." A shorter woman, roughly Katyusha's height, handed Matthew a bowl of what appeared to be a cabbage soup. "Please, eat."

Matthew held the bowl in his hands, feeling its warmth. "Merci, Madam Braginski." Matthew feared that Ivan's parents saw him as a charlatan. He hoped their thoughts were ephemeral.

"Ivan, he is a wonderful boy." Ivan's mother pinched Matthew's cheeks. "I approve."

"Thank you, mother." Ivan patted Matthew's back.

"I was so surprised when my son said he had a friend in his high school years." Ivan's mother. "When you showed up to our house, I thought it was a miracle!" She laughed. "You brought a new light into his life, Williams."

Matthew blushed, he felt safe even with the knowledge of having to stay around Natalya until evenfall. He trusted Ivan to protect him; he was grateful to realize that Ivan was indeed the one who had always been there for him.

"You and my brother together?" Natalya whispered to Matthew. "The amount of time he spent on you is prodigal."

"Is it because he didn't spend time with you?" Matthew smirked. "Tabula rasa, that's the word for you."

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