Darling 3

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 After walking his dog, Matthew stood in front of his mirror fixing his tangled blond hair. He wasn't sure if Ivan had his number, so he texted first.

M: Ivan?

I: Matvey?

M: You said you'd text me the address and time.

I: Le Bernardin. Do you know where that is?

M: Yes, I've been there with my father before.

I: 18h, meet me there.

M: Oui, mon chéri

I: Frenchie, huh?

I: Alright, мой подсолнух.

M: What does that mean? (read 16h30)

Matthew sighed, noticing the time. It'd take him about 20 or 30 minutes to drive to Le Bernardin. He decided to play MapleStory 2 in attempts to pass the time. After clearing a few dungeons, he checked the time; it was 17h40. Matthew felt panic strike his body realizing he might be late. He decided to text Ivan. Matthew felt someone had been watching him for a while.

M: Je pourrais être en retard!

I: What?

M: Je suis désolé! I'm rushing!

I: I understand, you might be late. (read 17h40)

Matthew jumped into his silver Honda Civic with a maple leaf decorating the hood. He tried his best to avoid traffic, but someone trailed him for most of the trip. Finally, he arrived and parked around the back. Before he could exit his car, he was met with a pair of piercing blue eyes and blond locks. Natalya was standing outside of his car door. She had a sharp and shining object resting in her delicate fingers. Her fist pounded on the car door when she heard Matthew lock all the doors. He crawled into the back seat and dialed Ivan's number in a panic.

"If you tell my darling, I'll kill you." Natalya cried. "No one is around to help you."

"I-Ivan..." Matthew whimpered into his phone. "H-help, back parking lot." Ivan hung up. Matthew could faintly hear a door being forced open.

"Natalya?!" Ivan's voice cut through the sound of Natalya breaking in. "Get away from there!"

Matthew heard Natalya running away followed by Ivan rushing to him. Ivan knocked on the car window to see a well dressed, but panicked Matthew on the car floor. Matthew unlocked and crawled out of his car, clutching Ivan out of fear. Ivan sighed heavily and walked Matthew to their table.

"Matvey?" Ivan helped Matthew situate himself. "Are you okay?"

"P-please..." Matthew's voice was weak. "Take the photo and send it to your father."

"Why don't we order something first?" Ivan suggested with genuine sympathy in his voice.

A beautiful young looking waitress came by, Matthew looked at her with a sense of similarity. She had tan skin and moderately tan skin. She had long brown hair and gentle bronze eyes.

"Matthew!" The woman said with joy. "It's been so long since I've seen you."

"Michelle?" Matthew cocked his head.

"Who do you think it is?" Michelle giggled. "You said I was your favorite cousin."

"Oh, I did?"

"Of course, silly. Now, what do you and your friend want for starters?"

Matthew blushed. "I'll have some maple liqueur and glazed salmon appetizer. What about you, Ivan?"

"I'll have some vodka, Ruskova please," Ivan said. "Also, could I some ratatouille?"

"Ivan... I've heard that name before... In high school, I believe." Michelle scratched her head. "Oh, I'll be back with your drinks Mattie and..." She paused. "Ivan."

Michelle went back into the kitchen leaving Matthew alone with Ivan. Matthew smiled awkwardly and attempted to talk, but Ivan seemed annoyed. He looked around, suspecting Natalya would be there. Ivan didn't understand how Natalya found out. He didn't tell her and Katyusha wouldn't.

Michelle returned to drop off their dishes and drinks. She smiled at Matthew and took their orders once again. Ivan relaxed when he couldn't spot Natalya in the crowd. When Michelle came back with their food, Ivan leaned over and asked to take a photo. A man with long gold hair exited the kitchen and spotted Matthew and Ivan taking a photo.

"If you wouldn't mind, I could take it for you." The man asked.

Matthew paused upon seeing the man. "Dad?"

"Matthieu?" The man smiled and hugged Matthew. "What are you doing here?"

"I was going to ask the same thing!" Matthew said.

"This is my restaurant, mon fils. I was in town to visit you; I thought I'd stop by here." The man had xanthous hair and ultramarine eyes that sparkled with a royal purple. He seemed slightly older but handsome. For someone his age, maintaining his appearance was astounding. His lustful appearance could charm any man or woman. "I reckon this is your date?"

"Oui, père." Matthew smiled at the man he seemed to admire. "J'adore cette nourriture!"

"Merci, fils." The man looked at Ivan. "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Francis Bonnefoy; I'm Matthieu's father."

"Ivan Braginski, I'm Matvey's... date." Ivan spat out.

Francis smiled as Matthew handed Francis his phone to take the photo. Ivan tried faked a smile while Matthew exhibited a real one from the joy his father always brought. Matthew fondled the brooch his father gave him. Francis handed Matthew's phone back and made his way around the tables, asking people what they thought about his food.

After Ivan received the photo and sent it to his father, he felt a little safer. He decided to converse with Matthew since they already ordered and there'd be no point in leaving. He made small talk with Matthew in attempts to understand his new partner.

"What do you do in your free time?" Ivan asked.

"I play MapleStory 2, cook, bake..." Matthew looked up. "I don't do anything interesting."

"Good, Comrade. If you were interesting, my father would have many questions, and we don't want that." Ivan cracked a smile, but his tone of voice was serious. "We could formulate many fake stories for you right now. What would sound believable?"

"O-or, we could tell the truth." Matthew saw Ivan cock his head. "We met in the neighborhood and started dating. It's not a lie."

Ivan chuckled. "You look concerned. Alright, we can go with your idea." Ivan sipped his vodka with a moderate pace.

"So, where'd you get the scarf?" Matthew queried.

"It's a gift I had gotten from Katyusha many years ago." Ivan's hand grazed the top of his scarf. "Do you have any siblings?"

"I do have a step-brother from my step-mother." Matthew seemed uncomfortable. "He's a jingoist at times."

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened to your first mother?" Ivan knew he was touching sensitive topics.

"Jeanne d'Arc..." Matthew whispered. "We can talk about this later. Tell me about your family."

"I think I've told you enough." Ivan took a longer sip. "Unless you have a specific question."

"Well, where are you from?"

"Moscow. Where are you from?"

"Ottawa. It's in Canada; my father is from Paris which is why I speak French and Canadian French. Do you have any pets?"

"No, but I do enjoy dogs, except yours." They both laughed. "It's getting late, Matvey, but I enjoyed our time here."

Matthew blushed. "T-Thank you, Ivan." Matthew covered his face in embarrassment. His first date with someone was all a façade. He knew that his relationship with Ivan was a well-formulated deception, but saying he didn't feel anything towards Ivan after that night would be a bigger lie.

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