Chapter 11

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(Well, damn, guys. I'm spoiling you with these updates!! I think it's bc I'm bored and I have no friends here in Turkey... so I'm very lonely. And that's why I update...)

Junghyun's pov

We stopped at a red light.

I turned to him and wiped his tears while smiling.

"Hey, Hey. Jungkookie." I said. Turning his attention to me.

"No problem, baby." I said. He looked at me with his big, teary doe eyes.

Then flinged himself on me and hugged me.

He started sobbing. "I must've saved an entire country to have you as my brother." He said, stuttering here and there.

I smiled. "Same, Jungkookie." I said.

Suddenly, a horn was heard behind us, startling us.

"MOVE!!!" We heard.

"FUCK THE SHUT UP, ASSHOLE!! YOU'RE RUINING OUR MOMENT!!" I shouted back as my brother giggled.



And then I drove leaving him on a red light again.

I heard a lot of honks and stuff as I laughed. I took a peak at Jungkook who was laughing his ass off.

"P-peppermint Bastard!?!?" He said between laughs.

"Was the only thing that came to mind." I stated as a fact.

He chuckled. Silence fell like a blanket over us.

It wasn't an uncomfortable silence. More like

It's ok. We'll be silent.

(A/n: ironic cuz I'm listening to music but, ok.)

At home

"Go to sleep, jk." I said.

"You have school tomorrow." I added.

He groaned and forced himself up the stairs into the bathroom. I chuckled.

"School isn't that bad!!" I yelled at him.

"IT IS!!" He shouted back.

I laughed and shook my head. "Kids nowadays." I said to myself.

"I SOMEHOW HEARD THAT!!!" He shouted.

I widened my eyes. "Ok!" I said.

Jungkooks pov

I sat down in my bed after brushing my teeth and doing the rest of my routine.

I took off my shirt. Looked at my scars.

I started smiling. "Why am I doing this again?" I asked.

"Oh yeah. For Hyungwonie hyung...

And myself..." I mumbled.

"Jk~~~" said a voice.

"Minhyukie?" I asked.

"Yes?" He answered.

"You were made to make me torture my body, right?" I said.

He appeared in front of me with a taken aback look.

"Then why can't you do it yourself? Why can't you be there to keep me from eating? Why can't you be there to scar my skin? Why can't you be there to throw hurtful words at me? Like I do to myself...?" I ask.

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