40. First Birthday

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Today was the kid's birthday, but instead of having two different parties we combined them. Darius and Jay went half on everything. The theme was Thing 1 and Thing 2. Ja'Maine and Jamiya are like twins anyway just two weeks apart. There will be animals for the kids to ride, one time, and get off. Lol I'm just playing. Face painting, bounce houses, a huge Slip 'N Slide, food, drinks, music, games, and then some. They went all out for this.

While Darius and Jay took the kids out. I had to stay back with Keta and Kurt to make sure everything was set by the time they got back. Today is going to be an real adventure. There is going to be kids everywhere yelling, screaming, playing. I just hope I don't need a drink at no point in the party.


We woke Ja'Maine up singing happy birthday. He was one today and hyped. I had to take him to get a hair cut, while Trina, Keta, and Kurt made sure everything was good. Jay was coming with me so he could get Jamiya hair braided. T wanted to tag along. May the Lord be with us.

"Dada." Ja'Maine called.


"Uncle T say I get strippers for my birday." He said innocently.

"T why the hell you told me son that shit?" I swear this is exactly why he be getting his ass beat.

"Cause he one he need some in his life." I smacked T upside the head.

"He's 1, T not 21. I can't wait for you to have one of your own." I said.

"I can't have no babies. I'm not readyyyyyyy. Don't jinx me!" He cried out. People in the store were looking. He's so embarrassing. I just picked Ja'Maine and walked away from him. I don't even know him sometimes.

It was kids everywhere running around and playing. All I wanted was for my niece and son to have the best day of their life. You only turn one, one time. I even had real animals in my backyard. Shit they should've been robot animals cause I didn't want the real ones fucking up my grass, but I got the real ones cause Jamiya and Ja'Maine wanted them.

"What time are they opening gifts?" Keta asked. I shrugged.

"They got so damn many I was just going to let Ja'Maine open up his tomorrow." I said.


"Cause its enough shit out here anyway that's just making more shit pile on more shit." I said. Keta shook her head.

"How logical." She says sarcastically.

"Don't I know it." I smirked.


I was watching Ja'Maine from a distance. Him and Jamiya are my life. I'd kill for my niece and nephew. I felt something wasn't right when some big ass kid who looked like he was on steroids walked over to Ja'Maine. I pulled my phone out. I was recording just to see what was going to happen. Arnold Schwarzenegger Jr took Ja'Maine cookies. That's one thing he don't play about is his is cookies. I watched him push Ja'Maine to the ground. Ja'Maine jumped up.



I was eating my cookies my mommy gave me. I looked around at all the big stuff. I had animals, a big slide, a pool, and paint on my face. I was having fun until the big Shrek looking boy took my cookies.

"Gimme my cookies!" I screamed at him.

"No!" He stuck his tongue out at me. I wanted my cookies back! I tried to reach for it, but he held them over my head.


"No!" Then he pushed me to the ground and laughed. I got up and jump on him. I was hitting and kicking and punching him. I started to see red stuff like when I get a boo boo and mommy makes it better come out of his nose.

"DADDY!" I screamed.


Everything stopped once I heard my son scream.

"DADDY!" My eyes searched the backyard to see him standing over a boy that laid out in the grass. His fist was balled up and his chest was heaving up and down. I got up and walked over to where he was.

"Are you okay?" I was in daddy mode checking him for cuts or bruises.

"HE TOOK MY COOKIES AND PUSHED ME!" He yelled pointing to the boy. This Lil boy look like he on steroids. Tf? Unless he got that Benjamin Button disease. The boy was laying on the ground with a bloody nose. That's what he get.

"Calm down son."

"Oh my God, my son!" A shrieked scream pierced my ears.

"What have you people done to him? I'm calling the police." She shrieked. I stood up. Her husband's or whoever eyes widen in shock and fear.

"What the fuck do you mean you people? Bitch your son was bullying mine so my son stood up for his self. You need to teach your child some home fucking training!" I sneered.

"No my son was not." She yelled at me. Oh hell no.

"Oh no hoe. You not going to talk to my husband like that. Your son was bullying mine. If you don't like the fact that my son stood up for his self and not a weak ass child, then bitch I don't care. Call the God damn police. I dare you. Matter of fact let me call them for you cause I'm bout to kick both y'all asses." Trina threatened. They all stood there shaking in fear.

"By the way your other son will now be staying with us. What kind of parents let their oldest son beat and bully him because he small. You guys are fucking sick!" Trina said. Wait. What? 

It's a good thing that I have police officers that work for me. When they came they arrested both they asses. T had a video of what happened so their word didn't matter. I can't believe they allow their oldest son to beat up and bully their other. The little boy who name I found, Alex, told everything the best he could. That little boy is scared as fuck of them, especially that body builder midget they call a son. I was pissed that they ruined the kids birthday party.


After everything calmed down the party started again. It was a good way to distract the kids from what happened not to long ago. They ass better never get out. All three of them are fucked up in the head. Little Alex didn't deserve anything. How I found out is because I seen his bruises on his body and he told me one night.

It was after seven when the party started to whine down. Shit they'd been here since 12 o'clock. Ja'Maine had already fell asleep while he was eating. Poor thing. We would have to get Alex some stuff tomorrow right now everybody needed to go to bed after a long day.

Party theme in MM.

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