35. Moving Day

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I was finally back at work. Ja'Maine was with Zeus. Lord knows what they might be doing. I just hope they don't corrput my baby. I was making my normal rounds, checking on patients, dealing with families, but luckily no surgeries, so far that is.


We had been staying at my other house for about two weeks after we brought Trina back home. I had already purchased a new house for us. Some of our things were there, we'll mostly furniture, but I just had to get the remaining things that were left.

While Trina was at work I decided that I would move the rest of our things out of the old house to the bigger and better house. The new house sprawls across 210 acres of land. The home itself is a 27,000 square feet. The new house has 12 bedrooms, 9 bathrooms, two half baths, in/outdoor pool, a huge open kitchen, six car garage, a theater room, game room, gym, and separate guest and staff residences.

"Why the hell your ass ain't helping?" T asked.

"Cause I got my son in my arms." I said.

"Nigga your ass to big to be wearing those baby carriers. Look like you got a lump with arms and legs in the middle of your chest. They can barely see him. How did you even find one of those things to fit your ass? Shaq don't even have one. Standing over here with both hands on your hip like you Daddy America or Daddy of the Year."

"T it's Captain America now shut the fuck up and get to work." I said. Ja'Maine just kicked his legs around giggled looking at T.

"You lucky my sexy ass getting paid for this or I wouldn't be doing it. By the way I better be getting a room at the new house or somebody gon' be hearing from my God damn lawyer about working under these conditions." He said walking away.

"Ja'Maine what am I going to do with him?" He titled his head back looking up at me and started that baby talk like I knew what he was saying. I just chuckled and continued giving orders.

It's what I do.

Moving from one place to another while caring for a baby is hard work. Especially since the new house is bigger then the old one and Ja'Maine being fussy. Trina was still working, but she managed to call and check on Ja'Maine and I. I checked the time to make sure I wouldn't be late picking up Trina. I had a good four hours left.

"Man I'm on break fuck this big ass house. Zeus since you ruler of the Gods tell Aphrodite I need some pussy and some head." T said. I bust out laughing. Like seriously what the fuck is wrong with my cousin? I know he might seem a little off, but he down for whatever.

"Whatever happened to that girl from the restaurant a while back? I thought y'all were together?" I asked throwing him a water bottle that he did not catch.

"Oh shit! I forgot all about her. She going to kill my ass." He said whining. How you forget your girlfriend after how long?

"Call her." I said. He pulled hos phone out. He did. All you could do is hear her yelling and cussing him out. He had put her on speaker. This nigga over here crying.

"Baby I'm sorry! Baby I luh you!" What the hell? I just shook my head getting up. I'm not about to play with T.

It was three in the morning when I had to pick up Trina. She had to stay another eight hours. Couldn't be me. Ja'Maine was up with me. He act like he be on somebody job. He sleep during the day and up at night.

"Hey baby." Trina said pecking my lips.

"Hey. How was work?"

"Exhausting." She said sighing. I pulled off. I don't think she noticed Ja'Maine in the back, until he started making noises.

"Hey momma baby." Trina cooed at him. He smiled kicking his legs. He started blabbering about.

"You missed our exit baby."

"No I didn't." I said. She looked at me confused.

"Zadarius what did you do?"

"Just sit back and enjoy the ride." I said.

It took us another hour to get to the new house. Trina had feel asleep. I got Ja'Maine out the car first then I woke Trina up.


I was still half sleep trying to walk. Shit I didn't know where I was. I glanced around and looked at the house. Did our house get bigger? Where these garages come from? Oh this door is beautiful. I stepped in the house. Am I dreaming? Then it hit me.

"OH MY GOD!" I screamed.

"You didn't?"

"I did." Both of them had a stupid grin on their face. I ran back outside.

"Zadarius, no." I gasped. This house was beautiful.

"Trina, yes." He mocked. Wow.

"Let's go to bed." He said grabbing my hand. I can't believe he actually bought this house. I want a tour tomorrow, but right now I'm going to bed.

House in MM.

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