62. Happy Ending

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I woke up feeling good this morning for some reason. I got out of bed without waking Darius. I went into the bathroom to do my morning hygiene. After my shower I threw on some shorts and tank top. I checked on the kids and they were all still sleep, even Talia. I swear my kids sleep like they work a 9 to 5. I walked down to the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone.

I had waffles, eggs, grits, bacon, sausage, pancakes, oatmeal, biscuits, fruit, orange juice, milk, and water in the table. I could hear footsteps. I dried the last dish when Darius walked in with Talia in his arms and the boys behind him.

"Good morning mommy babies." I said kissing all their cheeks.

"Good morning mommy!" They shouted in unison. I don't know why Darius called me mommy. Dummy. I fixed the kids their food and placed the plates back in front of them.

"Thank you." They said.

"It's what I do." I said with a cocky smirk. Darius shook how head.

"What we doing today?"

"We staying inside watching movies, eating, sleeping, and eating some more. All of us spending the day together." I said. We needed a break from the outside world. I don't go back to work till Wednesday, so I really did want to stay inside and relax.

The kids are growing up and getting bigger by the day. They keep me up and down constantly. They want this or need that. A mother's job is never done. Talia is very active too. She's crawling and teething. It's not as bad as I thought it would be. She's not crying and screaming her lungs out. Darius loves spoiling them.

After breakfast we went into the theater room and Darius put on a movie. We were cuddle up on one couch. Talia was in her swing kicking and trying to reach out to the screen. Alex was laying on his back to the left of me in another couch and Ja'Maine was sitting next to Talia in get seeing in front of us.

Darius was playing in my hair while we watched the movie. He know good and we'll I get sleepy when he do that. I don't know how long we were in the theater room, but when we came out it was going on four o'clock. I went into the kitchen and got snacks for everyone. I could here running in the house. They always running in the house. I try to warn them, but they won't be satisfied until either of them get hurt.

"Slow down!" I yelled. They almost knocked me over when I walked out with the stuff in my hands.

"But mommy, daddy trying to get me." Alex said giving my the puppy dog eyes.

"Well tell daddy stop trying to get you." I said.

"DADDY, MOMMY SAID STOP TRYING TO GET ME!" He yelled. I heard Darius chuckle coming from behind the wall.

"Okay you win." He said throwing his hands up in surrender.

"I know." He said with a smirk on his face. I swear my kids are really too much.

I made videos and took pictures of them play. Darius is a good father. All you could hear throughout the house was screaming, laughing, and giggling. Ever since we had Talia things have been looking up for us. We're a family now. But sometimes it's a lot of work having three kids, being a wife, friend, aunt, friend, and working, but I manage to balance it all. I wouldn't change anything. Some days I find myself thinking about our first born, who didn't make it, and smile because I knew he or she is in a better place. It just want their time.

"What you thinking about so hard?" Darius asked.

"Nothing. I'm just happy that's all." I said. He pulled me into a kiss.

"As long as I'm here you'll always be happy Trina. I love you."

"And I love you." I said back. I'm happy to call him mine. My family is complete. At least I hope!


We were laughing and eating around the table. Trina had made a big dinner and invited everyone over. I wonder why we can never go to their house? Why they always over mine? T was telling stories about some crazy shit he seen at the mall the other day. I honestly wasn't listening. I'm too into my thoughts at the moments.

"You okay?" Trina asked me. I nodded. She kissed my cheek. I continued eating and listening to some new crazy shit T just came up with. He was telling everyone about the first day we went to China house. I had to laugh at that. His dumb ass fainting and shit.

"And Zeus big ass gon' faint and fall on me. I was screaming for help. I was like help me please! Get this city bus off me! I can't breathe! Jesus is that you? Mary? God?" I swear my cousin is so stupid, but he wouldn't be him if he didn't act this way.

I watched everyone talk and laugh. The kids talking about toys and games, like always. Everyone had their own family now. I guess everybody had their happy ending.

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