50. Starting Fresh

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One Year Later...


Alex, Jamiya, and Ja'Maine are four years old now. Kurt had a son, named Kacey and he's one and just so adorable. Zyla, T's daughter is three years old. That little girl is smart ass hell for her age. But I do know all them are real close. They like to do everything together. T is still T, Jay is going to propose to Keta soon, Keta is still crazy, Denise and her sister Carlie are the same. You guys never did get to know them, but you will. I have to meet them tell their story.

I'm eight months pregnant, but this time with a girl. I feel huge, swollen, and fat! It seems like these past eight months have flown by and I'm to the point where I'm so done with it all. I love being pregnant, really I do, but these past two or three months have really given me a headache. Actually, more then just a headache. My back hurts, my feet are swollen, I can't breathe, I'm as big as a house, I'm waddling. And while I know its all part of late pregnancy and the joy of it all, HA! I'm about ready to just have my little bundle in my arms. I didn't feel all of these pregnancy symptoms with Ja'Maine since he was breech, so for a good bit of this pregnancy its like experiencing everything for the first time. Sometimes I feel like a first time mom again, questioning all of these odd changes to my body and these annoying aches and pains. I've never had the sensation of thinking the baby will literally fall out, that's an interesting one. I've never had sciatic pain so bad I want to curl up in a ball. Or feet digging into my ribs so hard I can't catch my breath. Don't get me wrong though, in a lot of ways these are welcome symptoms. Because I know that this time the baby's in the right position doing the right things. A natural birth is at least possible at this point and I can at least try. Its really exciting to think about and although I'm miserable and want her out, I'm glad its all going the way its supposed to. She isn't nearly as stubborn as her brother that's for sure. We had an appointment last week to take a look at what's going on with my munchkin and me at this important stage of my pregnancy.

Last I remember was that she was about 4 pounds and 13 inches long. That feels huge to me for some reason. Maybe because at 39 weeks Ja'Maine was only 5 pounds 3 ounces and 14 inches long. It makes birth seem so much closer then it really is. She's starting to run out of room in there so strong movements might become less frequent, not that I'm complaining. Some peace and quiet would be a nice change every once in a while. I'm gaining about a pound a week which makes me nauseas, even though I know most of it is going to her, seeing those numbers on the scale rise makes me want to cry. She also has hair, which we saw on our 3D ultrasound. She has a full head of hair which is so crazy to me. I'm definitely feeling the shortness of breathe and heartburn. Some days the heartburn is so bad I want to scream. I've never experienced that and I hope I don't ever have to again once she's here. I'm starting to feel some Braxton hicks every once in a while, but it isn't anything to write home about. Just a random little contraction sometimes. Its crazy to think we're so close to seeing her. And such a relief to know at 8 months pregnant she has a great chance of being fine if she came early. I don't see that happening, but having that comfort is great. I'm so excited to finally meet her and bring her into our family. Only I more month or less. Sorry for the random rant. I just zone out when I'm thinking about her.

Darius has been going protection crazy. He baby proofing the house and he working on finishing the baby room. He won't let me see it until the baby is born. Like I can't pick a lock, but I'm going to respect his wishes.

Over the year our relationship has gotten stronger and better. I've become a little less head strong and actually took heed for things people tell me.

"Trina let's go." Zadarius said walking in the room. Today we were taking the kids to take family pictures.

"Are the kids in the car?"

"Yeah." He said helping me up off the bed. He helped me walk down the stairs. Our colors were navy blue, white, and red. We only had pictures of the three of us, but since Alex is apart of the family we wanted to take some up-to-date ones.

The ride to the photography place was spent with the kids and Darius singing. I just shook my head at them trying to sing because that's an occupation they won't succeed in. I closed my eyes and relaxed the best I could.

I didn't even know I fell asleep until he started shaking me.

"We're here." Darius said. I rubbed my eyes and he helped me out of the car.

Here goes nothing.


After spending two hours taking pictures the kids were becoming hungry and agitated. And I knew Trina was too. This baby is really taking a toll on Trina.

"Just put the pictures on my account and have them delivered to the house." I said. He nodded. Once we were all in the car it was time to get something to eat.

"What do you want to eat?"

"Let's go to Applebee's." Trina said. I nodded and pulled out the parking lot into the busy street. I drove to the one that was close to the house.

"How many?"

"Four." I said. He was eyeing Trina. I cleared my throat and glared at him. He straightened up quick.

"R-Right t-this w-way." He said. I know exactly how he feel cause Trina can make any man hard or fall in love.

"Your waitress will be with you shortly." He said and damn near ran away from the table.

"You guys know what you want?" I asked Alex and Ja'Maine.

"Tenders daddy!" They said in unison.

"Welcome to Applebee's. I'm Rashonda and I'll be your waitress today. What can I start you off with to drink?" She asked eyeing me. I mugged her.

"Give us two Sprites, a Coke, and a pink lemonade, with extra ice." I said. She was smacking her gum.

"Could you not do that?" I asked.


"Smack your gum." I said. She just smiled at me.

"Anything for you." She said touching my hand. I grabbed her and squeezed it. She yelped in pain.

"Don't ever fucking touch me. That's disrespectful to me, my kids, and my pregnant wife." I hissed. She nodded her head and apologized.

"Get us two kids chicken tenders with fries meal. Give my wife the 2 for $20, boneless wings with blue cheese and the three cheese chicken penne. Give me the 7oz house sirlon, the riblet basket, boneless wings, and mozzarella sticks." I said. She nodded. We handed her our menus and she walked away. Five minutes later she came back with our drinks. It didn't take long before our food came.

"I can't wait to have this baby." Trina huffed rubbing her belly. I chuckled. She been complaining for months now.

"Just six more weeks and it'll all be over." I assured her. We continued to eat our food.

Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if I wouldn't have meet Trina or if she wouldn't have saved my life. Would I have had kids? Would I have fell in love? What would my life be like now?

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