54. She's Coming

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I was thankful that today was my due date. Hopefully my munchkin was finally going to be here today. I'm just ready to have her and get rid of all this symptoms I'm having. After this baby. There might not be another one for a very, very, very times infinity long time.

"Mommy pee pee on herself daddy!" Alex yelled. Darius rushed in the kitchen.

"Baby did you just pee on yourself?" Zeus asked. I looked down.

"No my water broke." That's when the pain hit me. Lord Jesus take the wheel. Why?! Zeus picked me up and carried me toward the car. Once all us was in the car he raced all the way to the hospital calling everyone. It didn't take us long the way he was driving. The kids were flipping over in the backseat giggling. Lord protect us all.

"Baby take deep breathes." He said. These contractions were getting closer and closer. They were coming back to back. They had me hooked up to an IV and all these damn monitors that made so much fucking noise I wanted to rip them out and throw them out the fucking window. I was pissed and confused. Pissed cause these contractions and confused at why the hell T came here in a purple damn bath robe and pink bunny slippers. How every time he show up in something crazy really beats me. The doctor walked in breaking me out my thoughts.

"It seem like she's ready to come. I need everyone out of the room, except the father." Everyone kissed my forehead before leaving out. All that God damn kissing on me and shit during a time like this. I slapped all of them, except the babies.

"Okay on the count of 5 I want you to start pushing." I nodded. .

Once he started to count I started to push.

"Again." I huffed, puffed, and then pushed. Oh Gawd no, Jesus take it!

Talia Ja'Nay King 6 pounds, 12 ounces, 11 inches long.

Talia was finally here. I wanted every drug they could give me. This was a real hard pregnancy for me. Having a baby ain't no joke. I was in labor for eight hours before I had my munchkin. Once they had her cleaned and tested they brought her back in. Everyone was having a fit over her. She had Zeus eyes and nose, but my hair, lips, and ears.

"My niece going to be the shit when she get older. I'm taking her to the strip club like I did all the other kids. It's traditional." T said.

"What?!" We all yelled.

"Huh? What happened?" He asked playing dumb.

"You took our kids to a strip club?" Zadarius asked.

"Is that my phone? Yes it is."

"Hello...Momma I'm on the way...Bye." He ran out the room. T is so stupid I swear.

"We're never leaving our kids with him again." I said holding Talia in my arms.

"Agreed." Everyone said. I handed Talia to Darius because I was getting tired. I felt worn the fuck out and sleep was my best friend right now. I heard Darius say something, but I was to sleepy to figure out what it was.

Three Days Later...

The baby and I just got released from the hospital today and I could finally go home to my bed and see the nursery. When ee pulled up Darius got the kids out the car and we went inside.

"Let me see this world famous baby room." I said. He chuckled from behind me. We made it up the stairs.

"Drum roll please." He said. The boys just started making drum noises. I laughed at them. Talia looked at them like they were the most exciting thing ever. He opened the door. I stepped in and squealed.

"Omg! This is beautiful!" I yelled. Talia was in Darius arms looking around the room.

"We help too mommy!" Ja'Maine said.

"Thank you so much, all of you." I said. I walked around the room looking at what he did. I was speechless. And let's not forget about the closet.

"Baby you go rest I got the kids." Darius said.

"You sure?"

"Yeah I got this." He said. I nodded and went into our bedroom. I stripped outta my closet as the bathtub filled with water. I stepped into the tub sighing in relief. This is exactly what I needed.


While Trina was upstairs relaxing the kids and I decided to cook dinner. Talia was in her baby swing playing with the stars that dangled above her.

I loved spending time with my kids. I do all I can to show them right from wrong, good from bad. I never want my kids to see me gone for days on end and wondering when daddy coming home. I know we all have kids so I found ways to handle business the first time and not have to go anywhere more then once or twice.

"Daddy can I have juice now?" Alex asked.

"Not yet when you eat your food." I said. He huffed and rolled his eyes.

"Do you want to go to bed early?" I asked. He shook his head no.


"No sir."

"Good. Now fix your face and be patient. If you can't be patient then go take your ass to bed." I said. He fixed his face quick.

I finished cooking the rest of the food. Talia was becoming fussy so I knew she must be hungry. I washed and dried my hands throughly before picking her up.

"What's wrong with daddy baby?" I asked wiping the one year that rolled down her cheek. She smiled up at me. I made her a bottle and popped it in the microwave.

"Boys go get your mom." I said as I tested the milk. I held the bottle to Talia mouth and she drink it greedily. I'll be glad when Monday come so the kids could go to school. Trina still have seven more weeks until her maternity leave over and she'll be back at work. So it'll leave me and Talia till they get home.

"The kids said you needed me." Trina said walking in the kitchen.

"I just wanted them to get you because the food was ready." I said. She nodded. She started fixing everyone's plate while I still feed Talia. Her stomach was huge when she had Talia. She got a little stomach still, but my baby still sexy.

"Darius!" Trina called.


"I asked what you wanted to drink?" She said.

"Juice." I said. She nodded. I looked down to see Talia finished with her bottle. Greedy ass. I positioned her so I could burp her. The boys were already sitting at the table eating. It didn't take long for Talia to be burped. I laid her in her swing and turned it on. I know she'll be sleep in no time. It's amazing how fast time goes. It feel like just the other day we were bringing Ja'Maine home from the hospital. Now we have Alex and Talia. Kids grow up too fast and too soon sometimes, but I wouldn't change them for anything in this world. This was my family and I loved each of my kids the same and I loved Trina even more for giving me the one thing some females couldn't give me. Love, family, and plenty of sex.

Baby room in MM.

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