61. Run In With The Past

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I was walking around the store getting grocery. I left the kids home with Darius and the gang. I knew if they came I would never get what I needed. Everything a child sees they want.

I grabbed the last of the items I needed and made my way to the cash registers. I glanced around the room until my eyes landed on a familiar pair of eyes. No, it can't be. I haven't seen those eyes in years. Why now? I quickly unloaded my items from the cart. I watched and looked around, but I didn't see him. I sighed. It's not like I was scared I just didn't want a run in with the past. I paid for my items and proceeded toward my car. I looked around and still no sign of him. Good.

I went to put the cart back when I felt someone grab me. I went to scream, but he had his hand over my mouth. I was kicking and swinging, but it didn't seem to phase him.

"You better stop fighting." He growled him my ear. Damn his breathe was funky! He threw me behind a dumpster making my head hit the dumpster harshly. I hissed in pain. My head was spinning from the impact. He sent a kick to my ribs. I couldn't ever make one noise. That shit knocked the wind outta me. I tried to breathe, but it hurt so bad. I felt something sharp going down my thighs.

"S-S-Stop it!" I said fighting him off. He punched me. Fuck!

"Don't act like you don't want this Trina. I've been waiting to taste and have you again." He said. I started kicking and punching him, even though it hurt. He was not about to rape me.

"You bitch!" He yelled punching me back. I stood up on shaky legs with my head still pounding, my ribs still hurting. I looked for something to hit him with. I needed to get the fuck outta here. I spotted something shiny. I picked it up.

"Night night bitch." I swung and hit him in the head knocking him out cold. I dropped the metal pipe and limped toward my car and got in.

My lip, eye, and ribs hurt. I think he might just have bruised them not fractured or broken them. I sat in the car looking at my face. My shirt was ripped, I barely had pants on! Like what the actually fuck?! He tried to rape me. How the hell am I supposed to explain this to Darius? Flashbacks of the night him and his friends raped me came back hitting me like a ton of bricks. My own brother didn't even help me he stood their laughing at me. No one ever knew about this, not even Zadarius, hell not even Keta and she's my best friend. This was something that I wanted to take to my grave. I never wanted to relive those memories ever again. I sighed cutting on the car and driving off.


"If you break my shit I'm gon' whoop your ass Ja'Maine. Matter of fact go outside with that ball." I said. He think I'm playing. He running around throwing a ball and if it hit one piece of anything in taring his little ass up.

"Okay daddy!" He yelled walking to the back door. I glanced at the time. Trina been gone too damn long. She said an hour, and hour was gone three hours ago. I spoke to soon because she walked in the house. I looked her up and down and instantly became mad.

"No! Hell no! What the fuck happened to you?!" I asked walking over to her. Her lip was busted, she had a black eye, her shirt was ripped, she didn't even look like she had on pants. I know damn well she didn't leave the house like that.

"H-He tr-tried t-to rape me." She said. Somebody dying today.

"Who?" I asked. She could barely stand up. She just dropped in my arms.

"Trina!" I yelled shaking her. She wouldn't move. No, not my baby.

Trina had been knocked out for five hours. I carried her to the staff house. Everything was fine, but the hit to the head gave her a concussion, which caused her to pass out.

"I want whoever that did this brought to me."

"Did you know where she went?"

"I got a tracker on her." Was all I said. They knew what to do. I wanted to take care of him personally. But he wasn't important at the moment, Trina was. I'm just glad she was okay.


I looked around the room noticing I was in a room with beige walls. I tried to move, but I felt something heavy on me. I looked to my right and Darius was next to be sleep with the kids. I shook him. I needed to use the bathroom.

"Zadarius." I said. His eyes opened slowly until he registered that I was the one calling him.

"Oh thank God! You scared us baby." He said kissing all over my face.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You don't remember?"

"Just bits and pieces." I said. I really didn't want to think about it.

"Someone attacked you and when you came home you fainted. You've been sleep for a week." He growled at the someone attacked you part. Okay beast mode or nah?

"We missed you so much. The kids would not stop crying. Talia just looked at you with a sad face wondering why you wouldn't wake up. Alex and Ja'Maine haven't went to school because they said they didn't want to leave you." He said. I started crying. My poor babies. I feel bad now.

"It's not your fault Trina. You didn't know this was going to happen. Your okay now you just have to take it easy for a few days." He said wiping my tears.



"I gotta tinkle." I said. He laughed pulling away from me. He helped me walk to the bathroom because I was still a little weak.


I was happy to know Trina was awake now. The kids cried all week long. They wouldn't leave Trina side, neither did I. I heard the bathroom door open and Trina walked out. She would be on best rest for a week or two, then she can go back to her normal routine once she's cleared. Talia was moving around so I just picked her up. She moved around until her eyes opened. She looked up at me and touched my cheek. She looked around the room until her eyes landed on her momma. She instantly started to cry and reached out for her. Her crying woke up the boys.

"Momma!" They screamed hugging her. Alex was on one side of her and Ja'Maine on the other. Their was a knock on the door. The doctor peeked in before coming in.

"I'm glad your awake."

"Me too." Trina said.

"You have a concussion, so you'll bed to take it easy for a while. Plus your ribs are still healing. Do as little moving as possible. You can go back home tomorrow. I need to run one more test on you before you go." She said. She checked Trina vitals and pressure then left.

I'm just glad she okay and the man that hurt her is dead. I bet he should've thought twice about trying to rape someone and his friends too.

"Why you never told me?" I asked. She knew what I was talking about.

"It was something I never wanted to relive." She said. From what I was told I wouldn't want to relive it either. They confessed to everything they did to her. Let's not forget about her brother. Who sets their own sister up to get raped and watches? He deserves everything that is coming his way. He ain't seen the last of me and that's a promise.

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