What happened? (Chloe after USO)

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Instead of feeling her jaws snapping open like what the Saw puppet had told her, she felt a human collide into her, pushing her sideways and therefore her face landed sideways between metal bars that surrounded the room she was in.

"Hey ouch!" Beca shouted. The bars were wide enough for her jaws to open more than usual and so the ends of her mouth tore a little. However it was not too wide for the whole thing to spilt her mouth open.Blood trickled down the sides of her mouth as she moaned in pain.

"Hold on, I'm trying to get you out of this!" A familiar voice cried out. Beca could hear the turning of the gears but she wasn't thinking about being freed.All that she was thinking of is this voice.

When it fell apart, Beca whipped her head around, coming face to face with a person she least expected to see.

" Chloe? It can't be you, you're dead!" Beca breathes.

Chloe's POV

     "Hold on, I'm trying to get you out of this!" I said again. I grunted as I turned the last gear and the sick mechanism fell apart.I looked in horror at Beca's hand as it was melted pretty badly and the amount of blood running down the sides of her mouth and arms but she did not seem to be worried by that. Instead,she was staring at me with disbelief.

" Chloe? It can't be you, you're dead!" Beca breathes.

I did not feel so guilty about tricking her to believe that I am dead but the emotion in Bec's voice hit me hard. We stood there not speaking for a long time.

" Hey, its me." I said, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

" Please tell me this is not a dream." Beca whispered with tears in her eyes.

This was the Beca I did not recognise. Gone was the small ,sharp tongued, tough girl. Instead in her place was a girl suffering the tough blow, a sharp wake from a person she loved.

" Chloe, please, explain to me. What is happening?" Beca pleaded,tears threatening to fall out any moment.

I bit my tongue and hesitated for a second. To tell? Or not to tell? What will she do when she hears the truth? Will it change her feelings for me? I will never be able to live my life without Beca.

But how can you love and trust someone without knowing the truth?

Rubbing my forehead, I decided to tell her everything that happened.

" So...one month after the USO tour at the party to thank the groups for their performance, We..."


" Damn, my favourite red wine. WHOOO" Fat Amy cheered and picked up the whole bottle of wine, only to be stopped by the people who were serving the food and drinks. Cracking a smile at Amy who was trying to argue her way to get the whole bottle of wine, Chloe snuggled her boyfriend, Chicago. When she looked up, however, his eyes seemed faraway.

" Anything wrong babe?" She asked

" Nope, nothing" He replies and smile. Chloe frowned, she knew him long enough to know that he was forcing it. Something is wrong but she decided to push the feeling away and enjoy the night with her best friends, the bellas. The girls came and they greeted each other.

" Time to get the party started!" Flo shouted and the DJ started to blast the music

" Last time I had a party we ended up throwing knifes at each other" Lily muttered but no one could hear her. 

Chloe partied and danced away wishing the night would never end. Drink after drink, song after song, time flew quickly. Putting down her cup and with her breath smelling like wine, she decided it was time to go and called Chicago.

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