Those who don't appreciate life, do not deserve life

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... Stacie.

" Help! HELP!" Stacie screamed, pounding on transparent walls that kept her captive. Above her was a huge metal plate that covered the top of it.
The walls of the room were blackened, like Beca's and Chloe's room.

What Beca originally wanted to do was to run to Stacie's cage, which was in the middle of the room, and try to find a way to free her. As she took a step forward, little did she expect to see red laser beams that shot out from the ground.

Caught by surprise, she took an abrupt step backwards to avoid being burned by the lasers that appeared from the floor to the ceiling, surrounding the cage Stacie was in. This resulting in her falling backwards.

" Woah," Beca gasped, not from falling, but from the sudden appearance of the laser beams.

Static sounds filled the room. With their hearts thumping against their chest, both Chloe and Beca looked around the room wide-eyed.

A sudden squeak made Chloe jump in surprise.

" I see that you guys have survived your trap. However,this is only the start of everything.

Here is your fellow Bella. She have five minutes to confess everything that she had done or you might be wasting time here." The speech ended with static again

Biting her lip, Beca whipped her head around to Chloe before turning back to Stacie. There was no doubt between them that this was jigsaw's doing again.

" W-what does he mean? Help?" Stacie shouted in panic and confusion, with tears running down her pale face.

" I think he meant like, whatever you did wrong before or after the USO, you have to, um, tell us(?)" Chloe replied uncomfortably, waving her hands around more than usual.

Without warning, a buzzing sound accompanied with a loud groan filled the room. As it seemed to be from the ceiling, all three of them looked up.

Part of the metal plate above Stacie was coming down.

Stunned and horrified, all three of them stared at it. Beca being the first to react and realise what was going to happen, shouted at Stacie , " Oi Stacie, you have to be quick and do what Chloe told you to!"

" I did not do anything!"

" Just day anything that you did wrong. You don't have much time!"

" Okay, um, I lied? I had sex with another guy... I-"

" STACIE" Beca shouted, exasperated that Stacie's answer did not stop the metal plate from coming rapidly down.

Stacie bit her lip, as if she was debating to say something.

" Be quick! Your life is on the line!" Chloe reminded her impatiently.

The metal plate suddenly lurched down and towards Stacie, as if reminding her that there was little time left, earning a shout in terror from her. That made her talk.

" I-I got pissed and annoyed at Bella many times for crying for so long and loud. I could not take it anymore s-so I suffocated her with her blanket. I then dumped her with my rubbish the next day."

That seemed to be the answer Jigsaw was looking for. The metal plate went back to part of the ceiling and the LED timer reset to 0:00.

Stacie let out a puff of air, her whole body shaking. She turned to Beca and Chloe. " Am I done yet?" She asked shakily.

Beca however, glared at her. " You killed Bella? She was the few things that kept the bellas contacting together after we all separated!" She fumed.

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