Don't judge a book by its cover

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"W-we shouldn't be here in the first place. Why are we here?" Chloe choked, turning around to avoid looking at where Stacie was.

She felt a arm around her. "Hey,um, I think we better start moving."

Something in Beca's voice made Chloe's heart agree with her. With her voice breaking, Chloe said, "I'm sorry Stacie, we wish you luck on the other side."

Turning on her heels, she grabbed Beca's hand tightly and walked away, wiping her tears with her other hand.


Walking through the doors, Beca and Chloe found themselves on an aluminium platform surrounded with a fence. Chloe noticed a door and rattled it, only to find that it was locked.

The door led to a staircase. The staircase led to a maze at the bottom. As the aluminium platform was connected to the perimeter of the room, both of them walked around the room.

Walking around, they noticed that someone was in the middle of the maze.

"Hey, there's someone there, can you see who it is?" Beca asked, peering.

Unable to make out who that person was, Chloe walked to another corner to see who was there. Inching closer, she saw...

With her face wide with horror, she told Beca, "Beca, that's... Emily"


Both women looked again, and to no doubt found Emily. Her hands were bound and eyes were blindfolded. Around her were walls covered in glass and sharp nails, poking her each time she moved, making her yelp.

"Holy shit, what did legacy do?" Beca groaned.

"I don't know? What do we do?"

Beca looked at Chloe, then back to Emily.
"We wait."


"There must be some instructions here," Chloe insisted, looking around.

"Should I shout to Emily?"

"No, don't frighten her."

Chloe flipped a random table below a powerbox over with great pain. A table shouldn't be there in the first place and she did not want Beca to strain her injured back flipping the table.

Looking at it, she spotted an envelope and a rusty key.

"Hey! I found something!" She shouted to Beca, the whim immediately whipped her head around to Chloe, opening her mouth to say something.

A sudden squeak made Beca cringe. It sounded like those microphones when you hold one of them too close to the other.

"Stupid Jigsaw and stupid jump scares," she muttered.

Chloe, on the other hand, looked tense.

"Beca, legacy's trap is starting," she said, looking towards Emily, whom had jumped from the sudden noise.

"Emily! It's Beca and Chloe here! Stay calm legacy, stay calm. We will get you out of there." Beca said to Emily because Emily looked like she needed some assurance.

" Where am I?" Emily finally said, her voice shaking with terror.

"Um, we will tell you later," Chloe darted a glance at Beca, telling her not to tell Emily,whom had seemed like she was going to tell Emily where they were.

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