Chloe's trap

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"So all along you just went to Japan and hid there?" Beca said, wrestling with her relief that Chloe was alive and slight annoyance. Her thoughts were confirmed when Chloe nodded quietly.

Looking down,it was then she realised cuts running vertically down on her arm( if Chloe held her arm out)that were so deep that blood still flowed out even though Chloe had used a piece of cloth from her jacket and tied a tourniquet at the top of her arm.

Wincing instantly, she also noticed boils that had formed on Chloe's arms

She walked over to Chloe and teared a part of her shirt to try to stop the bleeding from both arms. Chloe winced and let out a quiet whimper when the cloth came in contact with the cuts.

"W-What happened when you had your," Beca stuttered and felt faint looking at the amount of blood Chloe was losing. Her blood dripped down Beca's arm and formed a small puddle of red on the floor. Even thought Beca was not able to say the word, Chloe understood what she wanted to say.

Chloe did not reply, instead, she pulled Beca through the door and into another room. That room, however, had a boxes covered in black, the type that somehow makes you feel creeped out. The walls were splattered with blood.

Holy cow, is that from the box nearest to that wall? Beca pondered in disgust.

However, curiosity overpowered her disgust and she walked over to that box. Peering inside the hole at the side of the box, Beca could not see anything.

However, her gut feeling told her to stick her hand in. Reaching out and into the hole unconsciously, her hand almost went in. The only thing that was stopping her was Chloe's tight grip on her.

" Beca! Don't" Chloe called out to her. Raising her eyebrows at Chloe, it took a moment for Beca to realise what had probably happened.

" You stuck your hand inside this?" Beca questioned, horrified.

" Yeah.." Chloe replied uncomfortably, noticing Beca's reaction.

" Well why sweetie?"

Pointing to an old tv box, Chloe explained, " A strange clown-"

" Jigsaw, the horror movie that Lily made us watch" Beca interrupted.

"-Let me continue first. So Jigsaw was, like," Chloe struggled to recount, choking down tears that threatened to fall.

Only when Beca put her arms around her then she calmed down and continued, imitating Jigsaw's voice, " Chloe Beale, you used drugs till the point that you hurt people around you- something like that- you ran away from your problems and nearly caused the death of someone. You will find four boxes in front of you. One of them have a key, the others are filled with extreme pain." Chloe stopped at this junction, and,rubbing her nose, she continued.

" Then he said, why find the key? Because on the other side of the door in your room, there is a girl that you love. She is in a trap I call the reverse bear trap. She is currently unconscious at the moment but when she wakes up I will instruct her to take a key from a  acid jar to free herself . She might know why she is being tested and would blame herself. However , this is partly not her fault, but yours. If you don't finish this trap fast enough, she will die."

" Because the key she have don't work. However, you can walk out of the door that is open right now. Take note that she is not the only one that is tested." Chloe could not hold back her tears and let out a cry. Seeing this, Beca wrapped her arms around Chloe and hugged her as Chloe choked out the last few words.

" I-I couldn't bear to let you die. S-So I stuck my hand into the first box, I- I didn't know what was inside until a-acid poured onto my arm. It hurts like shit but there was no key. I-I assumed that the key will not be in the middle boxes s-so I went to the last box," gasping for air that this point, she paused and continued.

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