Part three

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" Yeah, so that's it." Chloe ended. She rung her hands nervously as her heart thumped wildly. She stole a look at Beca, who had gone silent.

To Chloe's surprise, Beca wrapped a hand over her shoulders. Leaning in, Beca whispered, " there is no need to be worried about, I'm here for you, okay?"

Without warning or realisation, both woman leaned in slowly. Chloe seriously considered asking for permission before continuing but Beca had answered the question before she could. The gap closed as their lips connected.

Beca wrapped her hands around Chloe as Chloe placed her hand on Beca's shoulder. Chloe is a great kisser, Beca thought. Both did not want to break apart but had to as air began to run out.

Gazing into Beca's eyes, the words spilled out of Chloe's mouth before she could think
through, " I love you."

Beca's grinned and replied, " Love you too, forever."

Forever was the word



Five days later, almost one year after USO

Beca and Chloe huddled together as they watched a horror film on Netflix. With the show being too scary at some points for Chloe, Beca often found her arm being yanked sharply at those junctions, accompanied by a scared yelp.

" Chloe, its not even real, it is just a work of fiction," Beca insisted, shaking Chloe's hand off after giving her a quick peck on the cheek.

" No, I just googled it. It was based on several murder cases,Beca!"

" It is not like the spirts would come and haunt us," Beca huffed although she was resisting the urge to break out laughing.

Taking out a drink from the fridge, Beca was about to take a sip from it when the doorbell rang. Sighing, she placed the drink down and opened the door

To her annoyance, there was no one outside the door. A stupid prank, she groaned inwardly but decided to call out if anyone was there

" Hello, you're wasting my time. Anyone there?" She hollered. No reply except the echo of her own voice.
Stepping out, she turned her head to her left and to her right. There was no one.

Frowning, she went back to the apartment. Before she could walk back into the apartment, a hand grabbed her from behind and knocked her unconscious...

Humming a tune, Chloe stepped out of the shower, smelling like strawberry. " Beca? Beca?" She called out. No reply.

She walked out of her bedroom shower and into the living room, however, Beca was not there. It was then she found the door unlocked. Worried, Chloe went to open the door to see if Beca had wandered out again.

To her shock and horror, she found Beca shaking, covered in blood and clothes ripped, sitting weakly on the floor just outside their apartment.

" Holy shit Beca, what the hell happened?" Chloe cursed and carried Beca by her arms into the apartment.Too weak to say anything, Beca just gripped onto Chloe tightly and moaned in pain.

Cleaning her up, Chloe struggled with what she was seeing. Bruises formed on the brunette's neck and her hands were scratched so bad that even Chloe dared not think about what had happened to her. Beca flinched in pain as Chloe wiped the blood away and passed out not too long after probably due to the unbearable pain.

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