Chloe after USO part 2

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" C'mon Chloe, keep it. Just try for once, it won't hurt."

Chloe gritted her teeth. Maybe if I try it it would help me through this messed up shit with Chicago, she thought with a mix of anger and a tinge of sadness.

However I might get addicted to it, becoming like Das who overdose and died due to the cardiac arrest, she debated in her head.

The voices shouted against and with the decision to inhale the cocaine. Why me? Why must I fight the dense mental battle in my head?Why couldn't I make the decision fast and without thinking so hard?Chloe thought again as she held the bag. Carla, having taken out a straw that was only about 5 cm ,nudged it to Chloe.

Well, after all it doesn't hurt, just try it, a voice that overpowered the other ones in her head said. Nodding to Carla, Chloe took the straw and poured some of the contents from the bag and onto the club table.

Chloe put one end of the straw on the powder Cocaine and the other below her nose. Breathing through her nose, she inhaled it.

Immediately, she felt more awake, a sudden rush of energy flowing through her. The stabbing pain in her head subsided and she now felt invincible, like nothing can come and hurt her, not even that stupid Chicago.Her heart seemed to beat faster and she unconsciously sat up more straight.

" Damn!" She smiled ecstatically at Carla, who clapped her hands and patted Chloe's back supportively.

" I knew you could do it, it feels great, right?" Carla grinned as Chloe took in more. She forgot all about Chicago and Viven as the feeling like heaven filled her.

Chloe knew that she could overdose. However, after each inhale, she found herself wanting to do it one more time. Just one last time, she promised herself but she just kept going for more. The club melted away as she experienced heaven.She only stopped when Carla held her hand firmly and prevented her from inhaling more.

" Nope kid, you gotta control it. Wouldn't want you fainting in here, don't you?" Carla cautioned. Chloe sighed, reluctantly putting the straw away and keeping the ziplock bag. This would have to wait another day. Diverting her attention to Carla, they both talked about the drug and other stuff.

Not too long later, Chloe emerged out of the club, now having a contact for more and heavier drugs and a new friend.

Three months after USO

Chloe sat on the staircase of her old home in Los Angeles after being sent there for work. However, her job in the vet did not last for long. Due to her occasional drug use, the boss found out soon enough.Just after one week, after no improvement from her despite several warnings, he fired her. After being fired by her boss, she did not have much income or money left.

Two weeks later she was kicked out of her apartment by the landlords for not paying rent. Now she camped at the staircase for shelter.

Every part of her body was dirty and she looked like a homeless person, or maybe because she was one.

Not like she cared about her living condition. She had found company with the new drug she have been trying, heroin. Inhaling cocaine every day soon became not enough for her. She wanted more. She was greedy for more.

Coming in contact with Chris, he had introduced her to heroin. The strong drug had given her more of the rush than the cocaine had and she felt more of 'heaven' than usual. She ' bought' the drug even without much money and promised to pay back soon.

Rolling it up and lighting it, Chloe breathed in heavily  as her surroundings became slightly fuzzy around her. She somehow managed a frown but decided to finish what she was doing, after all, each gram of heroin costs an arm and a leg and was worth too much to be wasted . Once she finished, she started to begin drifting in and out of consciousness. Barely able to keep herself upright, she leaned against the wall, breathing heavily.

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