Beca's trap

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(Not so bad)

Third person POV
   One year after the USO tour
     In the middle of a dim room there is a chair with a person sitting on it.If you look closely enough you can see a small brunette with ear spikes sitting on it, and attached to her head was a huge metal piece. Her name is Beca. Right now she is unconscious but she will wake up soon.
   Not too long later, she wakes up.

Beca's POV
   What the hell?!!! Why am I in here? This looks like the psycho horror movies that Lily makes everyone watch. Turning my head around, I realise that my head seems more strained than usual. Looking at the mirror In front of me, I quickly figure out that attached to my head is a thick metal piece. It did not stop there, it was also attached to my lower and upper jaw. I scanned the room and assessed the situation I'm in.
     The room sent chills down my spine as I looked around. Tied to the chair by metal cuffs attached to my wrist, it restricted my movements and there was little light therefore I could not see things about eight feet in front of me. The room had the words " live or die, make your choice".
This time, I'm really panicking and freaking out, shaking my head furiously and trying to get my hands out of the locks that held me in place so that I could get out of the metal piece that was connected to my head. Something was wrong. Honestly, I don't know how I got here.
    Suddenly a flicker at the corner of the room caught my attention. I whipped around and saw a mini tv box.For a long while it only showed static.Just as I was going to give up looking at it to find any clue what the item on my head was and how to escape this room , a creepy puppet popped up. It took me a moment to realise that I wasn't dreaming at all.

"Jigsaw is real?" I gasped in horror and in disbelief. Beca, get a grip , it was just a movie, I thought. Scaring the shit out of me, the puppet on the screen stared talking disorientedly.
      "H-hello there B-Beca welcome to my old house which my Wife and I used to li-live in. Now I'm sure that your dying to know what that thing which is on your head," I nodded, slightly uncertain weather it's better to know what that was or not, " I call it the reverse bear trap.Find the key and unlock it before this thing snaps open, pulling your jaw apart and probably tearing your throat. Immediate death .And the key? Oh it is in either one of the three jars of acid In front of you.Failing this trap will not only cost you your own life.Good luck!" With that, the tv switched off.
        The last sentence. I don't know who was going to die with me if i did not succeed in this trap. However I knew why i am being tested.

     "Why Chloe why?" I choked in grief.I held the razor in one hand as I sat on the floor of my bathroom in my tiny little house. "Why did you have to die?Life is so unfair why Why WHY!"I screamed and lost control. The only person that made life easier for me, the only one that comforted me when the world seemed upside down
The only one that I have ever loved
Everything was a blur and soon my wrist was covered with blood. i just screamed and screamed and screamed till my lungs gave out and I collapsed onto the floor, welcoming the darkness like an old Friend. It was the only escape from this world

I shook my head. No, get over it, stop thinking about it Beca.
I wondered how I could even get out of this trap with my hands cuffed down. After a few minutes after
Struggling for a while to get out of the trap, the metal cuffs clicked open, releasing the slight pressure on my hands and freeing me.
"Thank god" I muttered and stood up. Little did I know that I had a cord attached to my head trap.It snapped and made a loud cracking noise. " Shit" I cursed promptly and turned around. That cord had gotten detached from the head trap.That cord must have started something.
Scanning around to check if I had started anything, I spotted a led board counting down and knew that was the timer. " 2 Goddamn minutes to finish this trap?! What the hell, Saw ain't wasting anytime with this" I was hit with full realisation that the first thirty seconds have gone. There is no time to waste
      With no choice I plunged my hand into the first jar.

The only thing I can say abt the pain: indescribable

Third person POV
    Beca's scream reverberated around the room as she quickly pulled her hand out. The acid in the jar turned red from the her blood.Her right arm had been melted to flesh. Nearly in tears from the pain, she tried to unlock the head trap. To her dismay, it did not work.
Checking the time, another 30 seconds had passed. Desperate, she plunged her right arm into the second jar and was greeted with intense burning sensation which made her break down in tears. She pulled out the key and tried opening the trap.It did not work.Again. Parts of her right arm was nearly melted to the bone and was bleeding like crazy. With blood staining the floor of the room and cringing, she hobbled up to the third acid jar in pain and held her hand above the jar.
    This time, she used her left arm and wasted no time plunging her arm into the jar. Screaming, she pulled out the last key. This must work, she thought to herself as she put the key into the keyhole.
She turned it

   It did not work
    " What the F*** " Beca screamed in horror as the key broke. She whipped her head around to check the timing. It was the last 5 seconds
   " Five, four" Beca squeezed her eyes shut as she prayed that the other girls somehow make it through without her.
     Beca,whom never gave up, knew that her time was up.
The truth registered into her
She was going to die.

Hi, this is my first story and chapter so it may not be so good but I will work on it. Feel free to comment😝

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