Game over

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They all looked up, the sound snapping them out of their daze. The platform that they were standing at was being lifted up to a level on top of them.

"Where are we going?" Emily shouted over the noise as the walls beside sped past them.

"We are going up," Beca said frankly, if they weren't in this situation then all of them would have been laughing.

They jolted to a stop, the force nearly propelling them off the platform. There was a room in front of them, this time, however, the walls were splattered with red, suspiciously like blood. Limping, Beca stepped out of the platform, followed by Emily and Chloe.

Emily scanned the walls. The red thing seemed wet so she instinctively reached out to touch them. " Oh my stars it is actually blood!" She shouted out of the blue, giving Beca and Chloe a scare.

"Legacy please don't do that here, and be expectant of seeing more blood later on." Chloe said

"Okay... that does not make me feel better though..."Emily replied

"Okay, So where the fuck are we and why are we always stuck like this?" Beca interrupted,groaning and kicked the wall, which was stupid thing to do as she ended up hurting her foot.

"Language Beca!" Chloe shouted in annoyance

"You're telling me this now out of all the times you could have?"

"Legacy is here!"

"She'd learn it soon anyways!"

Both women glared at each other although this would blow over soon like all the other times they fought.

" Guys while you guys were quarrelling I found something..." Emily tapped Beca's shoulder and told the both of them.

She pointed to a chair and a table that was attached with a CCTV screen showing different parts of the house or place they were in.

All of them walked over to it. Beca took the mouse and began switching between the channels.

Click click click


"What?" Beca spun around and faced Chloe, annoyed at no apparent reason

Chloe pointed to the figure on the screen. "Look, there's someone there."

Beca and Emily squinted, looking at the screen with fixed intensity. True, they saw a figure on the screen.

The person was on all fours, cuffed to the metal plate below him/her. Two semi-circular things surrounded the person, soon identified by Beca as an overweight woman. Below her looked like a huge burner.

Jigsaw's voice came once again.

"Amy, you know why you're here.

You were too lazy to work and earn money. Instead, you looted and set fire to people's homes. What if i told you you've killed people?

You're smart enough to know what position you're put in

Game over."


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2020 ⏰

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