Prank on Kankuro

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This oneshot isn't really much of a Gaara x Reader but the reader and Gaara are dating, there just won't really be moments between them. This is just mostly the reader pranking Kankuro.

(Y/N)'s POV

I was just eating my breakfast as usual, eating my delicious pancakes. In the corner of my eye, Kankuro walked down the stairs, obviously tired.

"Morning (Y/N)" Kankuro said, rubbing his eyes while grabbing a box of cereal.

"Mornin," I replied, continuously stuffing my face with pancakes. Kankuro just gave me a funny look to my actions and rolled his eyes, mumbling, 'Weirdo.' He can't talk, he's just as weird as I am.

I looked around for any sign for a certain sandman but sighed when I couldn't find him. He's most likely at work since he's Kazekage and all but I wish I could spend time with him more but I understand since he has more important things to do such as looking after the village.

"Morning, how is my future sister in law huh?" A voice called out, looking towards Temari who had just walked into the kitchen with a teasing smile. I blushed and looked down at her words, having thoughts of having Gaara as my future husband. Of course we're not engaged or anything, we've only been dating for a year.

"Hmph, It's not fair that Gaara got a girlfriend before I did and I'm older than him," Kankuro said, jealous obviously. "Not only that, he's always inside doing nothing put paperwork, I don't know how that works."

"Maybe if you came out and socialized instead of playing with your dolls without all that make up on your face, you might have a chance," I told him. He glared at me saying how it's war paint and that his dolls are puppets.

Speaking of make up, I got an idea and in a flash, Kankuro was on the ground unconscious. "What the hell (Y/N), why did you knock him out?" Temari asked, confused. I whispered my plan in her ear and saw a giant grin grow on her face. We dragged Kankuro and placed him on the couch and grabbed out a make up case, beginning the plan.

~Time skip~

Once we were finished, we looked at our masterpiece and started laughing. I mean who wouldn't with all that make up on his face. There's lipstick, eye shadow and everything we could think of, he looked too hilarious.

"This is gonna be great" I snickered, giving Temari a high five.

"I know right, I can't wait to see the stupid look on his face when he realises what we've done," Temari whispered back, struggling to hold back her laugh. We heard a groan, seeing that Kankuro was starting to wake up. Temari and I looked at each other, nodding quickly, pretending to look concerned.

"Ugh, what happened?" Kankuro put a hand on his head, still feeling a little dizzy.

"You tripped and hit your head against the wall, so we put you on the couch," I lied, faking our concern. Hehe great lie (Y/N), I mentally cheered. He seemed to believe, nodding while rubbing his neck where I hit him.

Okay now to compliment him. "Comes to think of it, your not actually bad looking," I say to Kankuro, causing his eyes to widen but then smirks. I struggle to hold in my laugh but manage not to look suspicious.

"To be honest, I thinks she's right, maybe you will have a chance of finding a girlfriend," Temari said, smirking but also struggles.

"See, now you guys finally see how handsome I am," Kankuro said, smirking.

Pfft I don't know how long I can last, this is great.

Gaara's POV

I had just forgotten my robe so I went to go to my room. Once I opened the door to the kitchen, I widen my eyes a fraction but still wasn't noticeable. There stood Kankuro, face full of actual make up. He looked towards me with a smug look, "Hey Gaara, what are you doing here? Thought you were in your office."

"I forgot my robe..." I answered, I was slightly amused but I mostly felt disappointed. How am I related to him?

(Y/N)'s POV

"I forgot my robe..." I heard a monotone voice. I looked up to see my lovely boyfriend with the looked of disappointment towards Kankuro but with a tint of amusement in his eyes but was good at hiding it.

I snickered to which he must of heard as he looked towards me and Temari with questioning eyes as to why Kankuro looks like an idiot. He opened up his mouth as if to point out to Kankuro. Panicked, Temari and I kept waving our hands around like idiots, making a zipping motion around ours mouths to tell him to be quiet.

Gaara then sighed, shaking his head while Temari and I were siliently laughing, thankfully not loud enough for Kankuro to hear.

"You know what, I'll just forget it," Gaara said referring to his robe he was here for. He just walked out, most likely thinking of how he was related to Kankuro and questioning why we're together. lol. 

"Hey, why don't we go out for a bit and walk around?" Temari suggested. Kankuro and I nodded thinking it wasn't a bad idea. I silently snickered at the thought of the other villagers seeing him like this.

No one's POV

Throughout the entire the day, the trio continued to walk around with Kankuro in the front of (Y/N) and Temari looking very happy, most likely because of the compliments. The only difference was the villagers struggle of keeping their laugh on as they see Kankuro's face but let it all out once he's out of hearing range. The two mischievous females behind him, kept motioning everyone to be quiet when Kankuro's around so it doesn't give away everything. Even when they went out to eat, the waitress that served them struggled to keep a straight face on.

This continued on until a young boy around the age of 8 pointed out the make up on his face. "Hey, mister, why do you have make up on?" The kid asked.

"Hey brat, it's not make up, it war paint!" Kankuro shouted angrily. The kid had a 'oh really? look'.

"No you don't, you look an ugly girl," the kid said, "Especially with all that lipstick." The kid then poked out his tongue and ran off to his mother.

"Huh?" Kankuro looked confused and looked into a window and gasped in horror. (Y/N) and Temari couldn't hold it in anymore and began laughing, so much to the point they're on the floor rolling around, clutching their stomachs.

Kankuro with an angered look on his face was about to turn around to yell at the two only to see that they've already ran off. He began to chase after them around the whole village.

"Get back here and face me like a man!" Kankuro yelled as he chased them around with the two laughing like maniacs.

"Never!" They yelled back.

Meanwhile with Gaara~

Gaara glanced out the window from his office only to see two figures running away from some idiot who looked pretty angry and realised they were his siblings and his girlfriend. Kankuro must of found out and chased after them. Gaara sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose and smiled.


Sorry if this was bad T^T.
Again I will try to fix some mistakes.

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