Husband!Gaara x Wife!Reader ~ Shinki

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(Y/N)'s POV

I hummed to myself as I was cooking dinner while waiting for my husband to come home.

We were childhood friends, I had grown feelings for him then but I didn't know if he returned him. But then I decided to confess and get rejection over and done with after the war. Surprisingly he returned them. I literally stood there for a minute staring at him eyed wide and now here we are, happily married.

I chuckled at the memory though I frowned when I realised it was getting late and Gaara was suppose to be here as promised. I sighed, I can't really get mad or anything. I mean he is Kazekage, so it's expected.

I was soon snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of Rasa and Karura who were twins, arguing with each other.

"That's my cookie, give it back Rasa!" Karura shouted, chasing Rasa around.

"No, it's mine now, ha!"

They both continued running around. I let out a disappointed sigh and grabbed the cookie myself from the four year olds and broke it half.

"How about you both have half okay? No more arguing." I gave them both each half of the cookie to which they happily munched on.

I turned towards the eight year old on the couch, Raiga who just sat there reading a book. He was a split image of Gaara except that there were only a few differences. He doesn't have a kanji on his forehead, he had red hair like Gaara but it was slightly darker. He also had his father's eyes and the rings around them too.

Rasa, has (h/c) hair and teal eyes while Karura has red hair and (e/c) eyes. They all look adorable to me, I have no regrets. Though they can be a bit of a handful, I still love them.

I heard the sound of a door opening and closing, I turned around to see Gaara. I smiled and ran to him for a hug which he returned.

"Hey honey, how was your day?" I pulled away and looked up at him.

"It's was fine." He replied with a small smile.

I then clapped my hands together. "That's good, you made in just in time for din-" I looked down and saw a small child hiding behind his leg.

I then kneeled towards the ground facing him. He looked at me with fear in his eyes and turned away with his eyes closed. Probably expecting me to yell at him or something. Instead I smiled softly and he was clearly taken back by it.

"Hey there, what's your name?"

"S-shinki." He said looking down at his feet.

"Nice to meet you Shinki, I'm (Y/N) and these three are Raiga, Rasa and Karura." I said also gesturing to the three children looking at Shinki with curiosity.

"Hi!" The three siblings greeted. This time Shink hid behind me and it was cute. I chuckled and looked down at him.

"How about we have some dinner hm? You must be hungry." I walked towards the kitchen and set plates down on the table. Gaara and the other child had already sat down. Shinki looked a little hesitant but with a reassuring nod from me, he sat down as well.

After dinner, I began to place the dishes in the sink until I heard Shinki ask something.

"So what's going to happen to me?" He looked sad as if he didn't want to leave.

"Well judging by how Gaara brought you home, I guess your staying with us, so feel free to call me mom." I ruffled his hair and smiled. He did a huge smile and hugged me back.

"Thank you." He mumbled. Then he pulled away and went towards the three siblings and followed them to his new room.

Gaara who stood throughout the whole thing smiled at the sight and walked towards me after Shinki ran off with the other kids.

As I was drying dishes, I felt two arms wrap around me and a chin on my shoulder. I could tell it was Gaara by seeing the red hair in the corner of my eye.

"I'm glad, your okay with him living with us, I wanted to teach him how to control his power and give him a family to love." Gaara said, placing a loving kiss on my right cheek.

I turned around and gently kissed him, which he kissed back and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I pulled away and put my head under his chin, placing my arms around his torso in a hug.

"It's alright, I don't mind looking after another kid, he deserves love as well." Instead of responding, he simply just hummed.

We both stayed embraced like that for a few minutes before going to bed.

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