Gaara x Depressed!Reader ~ I'm here

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(Y/N)'s POV

My dulled eyes stared at the ceiling as I was deep in thought. Four weeks ago, Jiraiya was announced dead. He was like an Uncle to me, though he could be an idiot but he was always there for me. I haven't eaten a lot, my friends try to come over and cheer me up but only to fail.

I reached up my hand to grip where my heart was, I felt so much pain there and I just want it to stop. It was all my fault that he's dead, I was there and I just stood there watching while he was slowly dying.


"PERVY SAGE!" I shouted. I gasped at his state. There were multiple poles from his back and he was covered in blood. He looked up and his eyes widen.

"(Y/N) run away!" He told me. I ignored him and suddenly felt a powerful force push me back. I yelped when I landed against the tree, blood coming out of my mouth. I started to lose consciousness slowly.

I looked up to see him smiling. Why is he smiling though, he's in pain. He gave me the biggest smile he could do and mouthed 'I love you' (Don't forget they have a Uncle-niece relationship). I stretched out my hands and screamed, finally losing conscious.

I woke up and groaned. I slowly stood up and limped around to search for Pervy Sage. It finally came to me that he was really dead. I kneeled down to the ground and punched the ground, screaming as tears flowed down my cheeks.

~End of Flashback~

I felt weak. Pathetic. I couldn't even save the last person that was family. I sighed and stood up, deciding to go on for a walk. I exited and walked aimlessly around the village. I came across a hot spring and memories of Pervy Sage doing his 'research' was shown in my head.


I stood right behind Pervy Sage with a dark aura surrounding me as he peeked at women with a nose bleed. Pervy Sage must of sensed me because he slowly turned around with a scared expression.

"H-hey (Y/N), h-hows life?" He stuttered nervously.

"I THOUGHT TOLD YOU NOT TO 'RESEARCH' ON WOMEN YOU DAMN PERVERT!" I punched him in he face, causing him to fly into a rock and break it.

"O-okay okay, I'm sorry, please don't hurt me!" He pleaded. I sighed and shook my head I'm disappointed, walking away.

~End of Flashback~

Huh, I remembered it like it was yesterday. Except that it wasn't and it's never going to happen again.

Lady Tsunade's POV

"I'm worried about (Y/N), it's been four weeks, milady." Shizune said.

"Your right, I am too, so far no one has been able to cheer her up. Not even Shikamaru or Naruto." I replied.

I sighed looking down but then and idea came up in my head. I grabbed a scroll and quickly written something down. I called out to a ninja over.

"Yes milady?"

"Get (Y/N), tell her she has a mission right now and it's important."

"Right away." He went of to find her.

"Lady Tsunade?" Shizune asked, confused.

"Don't worry, I know the perfect person to help her." I smiled then smirked with Shizune looking at me concerned.

(Y/N)'s POV

"Excuse me!" Some random dude called out.

"What?" Irritated that someone ruined my peace.

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