Poor Gaara T^T

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Short Oneshot

No one's POV

(Y/N) was walking along with Gaara, Kankuro, Temari and with the rookie nine in the leaf village. Gaara and (Y/N) we're walking side by side but then Gaara felt something hit the back of his leg. He looked behind him to see a small child had ran into him.

The kid looked up and glared at the red haired man as if angered that he was in the way while Gaara went to check on him. "Are you alright?"

Instead of answering, the kid stood up and continued to glare at him. Suddenly the kid kicked Gaara where it hurts the most, unfortunately for some unknown reason, his sand didn't protect that part of him.

Gaara froze, slightly bent in pain from his lower region. The kid's mother came by and apologised to him. "It's alright, I'm fine," Gaara straighten himself as the mother walked away while scolding her child.

(Y/N) looked at Gaara worriedly but he began to walked away like nothing happen. Though he didn't get too far until he collapsed onto the ground unconscious. All the boys began to panick and surrounded Gaara.

"Noooo Gaara, don't die on me man!" Naruto shouted with anime tears down his cheeks.

"He's not gonna die, he'll survive! Guys quick, we gotta take him to the hospital!" Kankuro shouted at him. "Someone pass the stretcher quick!"

Out of god knows where, a stretcher was placed on the ground. Kankuro, Naruto and Kiba quickly placed Gaara on it and began to run with an unconscious Kazekage to the hospital. All the other boys except Shikamaru followed as he just walked off on his own, mumbling, 'What a drag.'

Meanwhile at the back were all the girls who stood there watching. They all looked at each other with one question in their heads.

What the heck just happened?

I don't know... I was daydreaming and this just came up.

Gaara x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now