seven: serial killer

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night outs drinking didn't happen a lot with your friends being in the fbi but when it did happen, you usually got carried away.

"another one," you said to morgan. you chuckled, biting your lip gently as you stared over at the bar with a drunken smile on your lips.

garcia leaned forwards, whispering to morgan. "she's so drunk, we have a case, and i don't know where reid is."

morgan looked back at her. "we have a case?"

she nodded. "hotchner just called me. we have a serial killer."

morgan nodded, grabbing his coat as you looked up at him, your eyes blurred by the alcohol.

"come on, time to find reid," he said, grabbing your hand as you laughed.

"reid? yeah, i love him. last night, he stayed up talking to me about these different cases and how he loved working with the fbi," you said as he brought you around the bar- searching for reid.

"i'm sure he did," morgan replied, finding him. "reid!" he called out. reid turned around from the chair he was sitting in, setting down his cup.

"yeah?" he asked, looking down at morgan.

"we have a case. hotchner called garcia. it's some type of serial killer case. but your girlfriend here, is a little past drunk so you might need to either bring her with you or take her home."

"if it's a serial killer case, she's coming with us. i'm not taking her home and possibly putting her in the hands of a serial killer," reid replied, looking over at you.

you were looking around at things and smiling, observing everything. he smiled.

"okay, well, i can drive you guys because j.j. and garcia are going together. gidian is already there and so is hotchner so let's go."

reid took your hand from morgan as you stared up at him while he lead you outside and into the car.

when you both got in the back of the car, morgan started it and headed to the b.a.u. to begin the profiling and study of the case files.

you looked over at reid with a smile.

"you're cute," you said to him, letting out a soft laugh. he replied back with one as well, his hand still on yours.

"and you're a little drunk, ____," he replied.

you smiled, biting your lip again.

"don't you two do anything back there," morgan said, looking in his rear view mirror. reid nodded.

"don't worry."

you smiled, leaning over and resting your head on his shoulder. you felt comforted by this.

"you're comfortable," you slurred out. reid smiled, looking down at you. morgan chuckled.

"sorry i didn't watch how much she was given," he said to reid.

"its alright," he replied. "we don't get to go out much anyways so what harm can it do?"

morgan nodded, pulling up to the b.a.u. and parking outside. "alright, bring her inside. we'll find a place for her to stay."

"she could stay in the conference room. i need to keep an eye on her because i don't want someone coming and taking her when there's a serial killer on the loose and we have no idea what he's capable of. and i know for a fact that if i leave her somewhere else, she's going to come searching for me."

morgan nodded. "alright, we have a blanket we can give her and hotchner will just have to suck it up, i guess."

reid chuckled, grabbing your hand as you nearly stumbled out of the car. you laughed at yourself, gripping his hand tighter.

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