one hundred and thirty six: favor (part two)

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when you and the rest of the team landed back at the bau, everyone got off as they were talking to different people. you were collecting your last few belongings before getting off the jet with reid. you grabbed his hand in yours as you looked up at him.

"so, what did you have in mind for me to pay back that favor?" you asked him sweetly, walking through the hall and towards the entrance of the bau building. he smiled, looking down at you before replying.

"well," he began. "i was thinking that maybe we could go home, open some wine, have some drinks," he continued as you continued to listen to what he had to say. "and let our minds and bodies do the rest."

you furrowed your brows.

"are you saying that we should-" you began but reid chuckled, causing you to stop talking as you looked back up at him. "oh, you are. well, you know how easy it is for me to get drunk off of wine."

"that's why i picked it," he said softly, smiling sweetly to himself before looking down at you once more.

you felt blush powder your cheeks heavily as you looked back up at him.

"just don't get me pregnant, spence," you told him softly before letting go of his hand to go talk to garcia briefly before you two left to go home.

he smiled over at you, his eyes following your every move. he was going over everything in his head- making sure that he remembered every little detail of what you two had back at your apartment.

"so, what are you making her pay?" morgan asked him as he came over to where reid was standing while waiting for. he looked over at him before looking back over at you.

"just a little wine drinking, that's all," he muttered. morgan chuckled, drawing his attention back to him once more.

"a little wine drinking which will lead to a little baby making or?" he asked as reid cleared his throat while looking back over at you.

"she told me not to get her pregnant so just," he paused. "making."

morgan laughed, patting him on the back.

"just be careful kid," he muttered. "i'll hopefully see you two tomorrow."

morgan left as you came back over to him and slipped your hand into his.

"alright," you began, looking up at him. "ready to get drunk, pretty boy?" you asked him sweetly as he smiled back down at you while nodding.

"no, no," you said a little loud as reid stared at you still, sitting on your bed as you held the wine glass in your hand. "i think that she said that because of your eyes," you replied. "they're so pretty."

reid chuckled, setting his wine glass down as he leaned forwards. you leaned backwards, setting yours down as you continued to look at him.

"is that so?" he asked softly in his drunk voice. you nodded, continuing to lean back as he leaned closer to you. "why don't you continue to stare into them then while i stare into yours?" he asked softly, getting above you.

you laid down on the blankets, your fingers messing around with his hair that was on his neck as you smiled up at him.

"or you could show me what your hands can do, spence," you muttered softly to him, continuing to stare up into his eyes. he nodded, leaning down as he pressed his lips to yours.

you could feel the drunk part of your body beginning to act out in the ways reid knew it would. that's why he did this.

he smiled at you, pressing another kiss to your lips as your hands gripped onto his body tightly.

he knew this would work.

the next morning, you woke up in the bed with reid next to you as you put a palm to your forehead.

"oh my god," you muttered, looking over at reid as he continued to sleep. you sat up, sliding out of the bed and walking over to his side of the bed where you had your pills placed to help get rid of your headache.

you opened the bottle, giving yourself two of them as you took them quickly before sitting down on the bed next to reid without thinking. this caused him to wake up as he looked at you.

"how you doing?" he asked softly, sitting up as he continued to look over at you. you had your head in your hands before looking over at him. you didn't reply but instead laid down on him and closed your eyes. reid smiled, keeping his hand on your body to keep you against him. you rest your head underneath his, keeping your eyes closed.

"my head is pounding," you muttered. "and i only remember when you told me about that book you found when you were ten. oh, and i remember when you almost got me pregnant."

reid cleared his throat.

"actually, i might have accidentally," he said softly as you suddenly sat up to look at him.

"what?" you asked flatly. you felt nausea bubbling up in your throat as you looked at him. he sat up, clearing his throat.

"yeah, i uh," he muttered. your heart rate was speeding up while you looked at him. "i mean, you know how pregnancy happens so."

"oh my god," you said softly. "spence," you trailed off. "i said-"

he nodded, pulling you towards him.

"i know, i know," he muttered. "i know you said not to but sweetheart, we were both drunk last night and i thought i could do it but i guess not and i'm so sorry. but we don't even know if you're technically pregnant or not."

you nodded, your arms underneath his as you let out a sigh.

"i sure as hell hope i'm not pregnant," you muttered. "as much as i'd love to have your baby, spence, i just can't do that right now. please god tell me i'm not pregnant."

reid pressed a kiss to your head.

"_____, sweetheart, it'll be okay. just breathe, and get some water so we can get to work. i love you," he said softly.

you didn't want to let go of him.

"i love you too," you replied.

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