seventy seven: pretty girls and beautiful women

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"you know, jeremy," reid began as he talked to the kid. he was constantly scooting away from reid with his every word. "when i was about your age, i started noticing girls too. i was too awkward though to go talk to them."

morgan chuckled, patting reid on the shoulder as the kid looked between them. "what?" he asked.

"now this kid has the hottest woman alive. i mean, so damn hot," morgan said. "she's the most wonderful human being and she's a true beauty and her-"

"okay," reid said as he nodded towards morgan. "she's my girlfriend, not yours."

morgan chuckled, looking back towards the kid.

"basically what i'm saying is that even now, guys can get easily distracted by pretty girls or hot women. it's just in our nature. so i need you to tell us the details on what you heard or smelled besides the girls and their shampoo," morgan said.

"sometimes i think that you and morgan have a secret relationship or something with the way that he talks about you," reid said on the phone with you after the case had ended and he was outside with everyone else.

"reid," you chuckled. "i wouldn't cheat on you."

he shook his head. "no, like, he's talking about you in the way that i would've if i wasn't so intelligent."

"oh," you laughed. "you're just attacking morgan's intelligence now? maybe you're just jealous, honey."

reid shook his head, biting his lip gently as he paced around the same spot he had been in since he had called you.

"jealous? of what? the guy that can get any woman he wants that walks right into his path? yeah, right."

"reid," you said with a laugh. "why are you so worked up over this?"

"because," he began. "you're my girlfriend and i'm always worried you'll leave me to find someone better that you deserve."

there was silence for a moment as you thought about what he said. "do you really think that i'm not worthy to have you? do you think that highly of me?"

reid sighed. "you're a beautiful, intelligent woman who picked a nerd like me to date. why is that, _____? you could've gone out with morgan but you didn't. you picked me. why is that?"

"because you're you, reid," you began. you stopped afterwards to see if he'd say anything to you. "your mind," you began again. "it's wonderful and i could talk to you for hours about anything and everything. you're gentle, you're kind, you're sweet, and you're shy about romance which is why i like you. i'm able to fake control during some aspects while you can take control on others."

reid cocked his head as he took all of this into thought.

"reid?" you asked.

"yeah, i'm here," he began as you let out a sigh.

"look, do you still think that morgan will say these things about me? you said it yourself reid, i'm a beautiful woman and morgan loves those types of women," you muttered.

"just," he began, catching your attention. "just meet me at the b.a.u. in about ten minutes."

you nodded. "okay, where?"

"the center of the room," he muttered before he hung up as you took your phone away from your ear.

when reid got to the b.a.u., he and morgan were still talking.

"look, reid, i was just saying that she's a beautiful woman. it's not like i'd go after her or anything," morgan said. reid shook his head.

"see, that's where i think you're wrong. i think that if you had gotten the chance, you would've dated her but she got to me first."

morgan cocked his head. "what are you saying?"

"i'm saying that if she hadn't seen me first, she might've seen you which means that she would've dated you."

morgan shook his head as they ended up back on their main floor. "no, reid, she probably would've dated you anyways."

"no," he shook his head. "she most definitely wouldn't of been drawn to me. i can tell that i'm not her type according to her level of beauty. she's a genuinely nice, beautiful woman who deserves someone much higher up in intelligence and-"

morgan stopped him. "more intelligent? than you? reid, i'm sorry if i made you jealous or anything but-"

his eyes landed on yours as reid looked towards where he was looking.

"reid," morgan began as they both stood there. "she's not staring at me. she's staring at you and i know women better than anyone here in this office. she's in love with you."

reid shook his head. "impossible. i'm not her type."

"but you're her boyfriend," morgan said. "and from what i can tell, she wants you."

he nodded, giving morgan another glance before walking over to you. when he got to where you were, he gave you a sweet smile as you immediately pulled him into a tight hug. he wrapped his arms around you in confusion.

"reid, stop thinking i'm leaving you for morgan or another guy. i'm not an idiot, honey, i know that you're worried about it," you muttered to him, readjusting your head so that your face was resting on his shoulder as you let out a small sigh.

"i'm just saying that you deserve-"

you stopped him by putting your lips on his gently. when you let go, he swallowed a little bit, clearing his throat as he took a minor step back.

"____, you're- wow," he muttered.

you smiled, pressing an even softer kiss to his cheek before smiling a little wider up at him. he took you into his arms again, holding you tightly.

"i don't deserve you," he said softly.

you smiled. "see, there's nothing to be worried about, honey."

he held you tighter, pressing a kiss to your cheek as you laughed a little.

"alright, alright, we should get back to your place so that i can sleep because for once, i'd like to be able to do it with you," you told him.

he chuckled softly, intertwining your hand with his as he said goodbye to morgan and headed out.

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