one hundred and eighty: las vegas (part one)

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you were sitting on the jet near j.j. and rossi as you stared down towards the case file, a hand on your pregnant stomach. you were focused on the case, not worrying about reid as he was asleep while you were busy reading the details of the case itself. 

"reid, reid," rossi said as he woke him up. you looked up from the case as you stared over at your boyfriend, a hand still on your stomach.

"hey," rossi said as you continued to look at him in confusion. "you okay?"

reid nodded, sitting up as he looked towards everyone briefly before looking away. 

"yeah, i'm fine. i just, i had a dream about a boy being murdered and," he looked over at you, seeing your eyes shift to concern as you rubbed your hand over your pregnant stomach. "our baby was at the crime scene."

you swallowed a little thicker when you heard this, looking away from reid and towards your stomach before looking off to the side uncomfortably. 

reid sat up more as he looked at you, noticing you were rubbing your stomach more than usual. the team looked between you and reid, waiting to see what was going to happen between the two of you. 

"_____, can we talk?" reid asked as you looked back up at him, your hand still on your stomach as he came over and sat beside you. you looked over at him, a small smile gracing your lips momentarily. "hey," he said softly. 

"hey," you replied, looking at him before looking away again. 

he put a hand on your stomach gently as you looked back up at him. 

"_____, sweetheart," he said softly. "what's on your mind?"

you tucked your hair behind your ear as you looked towards his hand that was still on your stomach. 

"no," you muttered. "what's on your mind, spence?"

"i'm not sure," he replied softly. "i can't get this boy out of my mind and it's making me anxious about so many things."

"in your dream," you began, tucking hair behind your ear again that had fallen towards your face as you stared off towards your shoes. "was our baby-?" you began to ask but he shook his head, leaning closer to you. 

"no, no," he said softly. "but he was there. and i don't know why but maybe it's supposed to mean something."

"about what exactly?" you asked. 

"maybe i'm paranoid or worried that i won't be a good father," he said softly. "my dad clearly wasn't and maybe i'm worried about not being able to care for our baby."

you shook your head, putting your hand on top of his that was still resting on your stomach. 

"spence," you said softly. "you are going to be the best father that yours couldn't be." 

his eyes observed yours gently before looking away. 

"you're going to be great," you said softly as he looked back into your eyes. he pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead before the two of you focused back onto the reading of the case. 

"is everything okay with him?" prentiss asked you while the two of you walked up to the latest victim's home where the parents of the missing boy were. j.j. was already inside while the two of you had gone out to investigate further like hotch had told the two of you to do so. 

you rubbed your hand over your stomach as you looked over at  her. 

"he's worried about our baby," you said softly. "it's like the case is poisoning his mind with these negative thoughts about not being able to care for our child. i just don't get it at all."

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