seventy five: hookers and investigations (part eight)

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"_____, can you and reid try to find anything on rollins' preferred type so that we can try to narrow down the facts to know if kyle would have fit the victim type?" hotch said. you nodded, sitting down and looking at the cases while he left the room with j.j. to figure out some talking points for a press conference. 

"it looks like," you began as you searched through a few different case files. "he didn't take anyone over the age of eleven and he didn't seem to take anyone under the age of seven, if kyle fits his preferred type."

reid turned around to face you. "does he have a preferred type other than their age?"

you stood up and walked over to him while holding the file. "well, his taste is very broad. he doesn't take females, so that can be eliminated but only brown and brunette is also too narrow since he will take any boy between that age it seems like."

reid looked down at the case file as he wrote some of the information down on the board. you let out a sigh, trying to hold back your nausea as you swallowed a little harder than meant to. reid looked at you in concern.

"i'm okay," you told him, looking at the file still. he kept his concerned eyes on you and when you finally looked up, you saw him staring at you. "what?" you asked him as your eyes searched his. 

 "nothing," he said as he turned back to the board. you gave him a confused look before going back to the case files. as you tried to leave to go back to the table, reid grabbed your hand and pulled you back to him as he put his lips on yours. when you let go, you gave him a confused smile before going back to your seat. 

"sometimes i think that you need that reminder," he told you. 

"reminder of what?" you asked him as you sat back down and leaned your head back slightly.

"reminder of the fact that i love you," he said with a smile as he came over to where you were sitting and observed the case file you had in your hands. you gave him a sweet smile. 

"i love you too, honey," you told him. "did you write down everything that was in these files?"

he nodded. "everything that was important," he said as he continued to look at the file. you closed it, seeing him look over at you. 

"what was that about?" he asked. 

you chuckled. "nothing, you're just done with the file so i don't know why you're still looking at it." 

he smiled, pressing another kiss to your cheek before standing back up entirely and then proceeding to walk over to the board again as j.j. came in and greeted the two of you. 

"did you guys find anything?" you nodded, pointing towards the board. 

it was near the end of the case and they had caught the man who did it all. you had figured out that lancaster was the one who pretended that this murder was one of rollins. 

you were back on your way home now as morgan drove the car with rossi in the front and you and reid in the back. you were half asleep on reid's shoulder and could still feel his thumb constantly rubbing itself over your hand.

"reid?" morgan said as you stayed half asleep on reid's shoulder. rossi was also asleep as it had been a long day for everyone so morgan and reid were the only ones awake in the car- and you but they didn't know that. 

"hm?" he asked gently. 

"is she going to be okay?" he asked him. 

reid didn't answer for a moment before finally speaking back up.

"i know she is but it's just hard. she's nervous about everything and knows that we weren't exactly ready for a baby right now," he said. "i just don't know how she's holding up with all these emotions that she's keeping inside." 

morgan sighed. "kid, can i give you some of my own input?" 

he nodded, continuing to rub circles over the top of your hand. 

"i think that you should honestly propose to her. you and her have been dating for six years- don't you think that it is about time?" he asked. 

reid looked down towards his feet momentarily. 

"that's the part i've been nervous about. you know, morgan, i used to wake up everyday and go to work like i was supposed to do. i never had any reason to go other than to help people and do my job. _____ gave me a purpose to go more than what i already had," he said. "i go to protect her in case something were to happen. i go to be with her and i go to get money for our future." 

morgan nodded as he glanced back to see you still laying with your eyes closed on his shoulder. 

"if _____ gives you a purpose, you need to show her that she is your reason for everything that you do," he said. "kid, i think you should propose to her. you and her have been with each other for the longest time and i think that it only seems right that you two to get married."

reid smiled nervously down towards his shoes again. 

"morgan, i've never proposed to anyone before," he muttered. 

morgan chuckled. "i'd hope you hadn't considering she's the only woman you've dated."

reid laughed softly, feeling you shift on his shoulder as you got still once more. he looked down towards you and smiled. 

"kid, that's pure love. i haven't seen it often but where i have seen it, it's obvious as to what it is. she loves you so much, like i'm talking, a boatload," he said. "she talks about you every morning before asking about the case that we are on." 

reid looked out the window momentarily before responding. 

"she does? what does she say?" he asked. 

"well, she basically just says how much she adores you and then can't really continue because of how much she's blushing about you. and then garcia and her go off to talk about the case," morgan said. "i think it's time that you propose, reid. she clearly loves you so much. besides, you two are going to have a child so this is the best time to do it. " 

reid nodded, feeling you shift again as you slid slightly down his shoulder. he intertwined his hand with yours as you smiled to yourself. you had heard everything they were saying. 

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