twenty six: drugged

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emily, morgan, and garcia all looked towards the elevator that allowed people onto their floor to see you stumbling around on the floor.

"is she okay?" garcia asked.

emily rushed up to you, grabbing you in her hold. she looked into your eyes, seeing your pupils dilated.

"her pupils are super dilated."

morgan looked into your eyes, seeing what she had said. he nodded, watching as you broke free from her grip and tried to stand up normally but kept having to grab something for balance.

"we need to find reid," garcia said as she approached you. you smiled over at her, your eyes constantly searching the room.

emily grabbed your hand in hers as she gently pulled you along with her towards the conference room.

"are we even sure that these cases are connected?" reid asked hotchner. he nodded.

"all the women get abducted outside of the same location, get abused, and then drugged so that they can forget their abuser."

emily brought you in, seeing as you bit your lip slightly before announcing your arrival.

"i'm here everyone!" you said, laughing loudly at the end of the sentence.

reid looked over to see you standing with your arms up, and a smile on your face.

"is she?" he questioned, standing up and looking over at hotch.

"reid, i think your girlfriend was one of the victims."


"this can't be happening, this cannot be happening," reid said as he paced the room. garcia had agreed to stay back with you in the room.

"she wasn't even supposed to be out tonight. i need to go talk to her and get some answers from her," he said, pushing the door open as he went over to where you were.

"____, i'm going to need you to tell me everything you can about what happened."

you bit your lip gently, looking up at him. he now could see how dilated your pupils were.

"you're cute," you said, laughing afterwards.

"her pupils are dilated," he said softly.

garcia nodded. "first thing we noticed. that's how we figured out she was drugged."

"reid, take me home," you said to him, dragging out the 'o' in home. he looked over at hotchner.

"you two can stay here. it's too dangerous for you to bring her out anywhere right now. especially because she's a victim."

he nodded, grabbing your hand in his as you eagerly wrapped your arms around him and kept him close to you.

he felt your grip suddenly begin to loosen as you began to slip to the floor. reid caught your head before it hit the floor as he stared down at your body that was now passed out.

"oh my god, is she dead?" garcia asked.

morgan shook his head.

"she's just passed out. it's the drug," he noted.

reid couldn't help but continue to stare down at you. your eyes were now closed, your breathing pattern turned simple, and you seemed like such an easy target now.

"why her?"

"oh my god, my head," you said, waking up in the conference room of the b.a.u. the next morning with the entire team sitting around.

"good, you're up."

you looked over at everyone, keeping one eye shut because of how bright the lights were.

"what happened? how did i get here?"

"____," you looked up. "you're going to have to tell us everything that happened last night. we need every detail."

you stood up, feeling instantly woozy.

"reid. where's reid?" you asked, a desperation in your voice. he immediately walked over to you, letting you grab his hand in yours as you pulled him close to you.


you didn't want to look at anyone. you were scared that something terrible had happened.

"oh my god, my neck," you said. reid gently moved your hair to see several likes of bruises.

"she's been bruised."

"so, she's definitely a victim," morgan added.

hotchner nodded, looking over at j.j.

"a victim? of what? are you- wait."

reid looked down at you as you suddenly looked up at him.

"reid, was i drugged and abused like the women in the case you talked about a few nights ago?"

he sighed, looking away from you. you immediately felt your heart race speed up, but you couldn't seem to control your breathing.

"____, you have to calm your breathing. you might still have some drugs left in your system," hotchner said.

you felt tears begin running down your cheeks.

"i became a victim! to someone that sick! reid, i-"

he let you wrap your arms around him.

"please catch him," you told him quietly.

he nodded. "i will do everything i can to stop whoever did this to you."

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