Chapter 4

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Everyone stood there as the possums ran towards the mammoth and hid behind their leg in horror.

Sid was the first to react, grinning in delight and proclaimed;

"Well shave me down and call me a mole-rat!"

"You found another mammoth!!" Hazel yelled with him in excitement.

The other mammoth gasped excitedly as she looked around. "Where?!...Wait a minute-" Their face flattens as she looks at the herd in confusion, "I thought mammoths were extinct."

The herd just stared at her, somewhat dumbfounded. She cannot be serious.

"What are you looking at me for?" She questions, noting the herd looking at her funny.

"I don't know," Manny replies with a shrug. "Maybe because you're a mammoth?"

"Me?!" Scoffing at that comment, she confidently proclaims; "Don't be ridiculous, I'm not a mammoth I'm a possum!"

Hazel groaned to herself, letting out a silent "no way" under her breath to no one in particular.

"Riiight, good one " Manny lowly comments, deciding to go along with it, "I'm a newt."

"This is my friend the badger," He points to Diego who just simply smiled,

"His wife the echidna," He points at Hazel who'd grinned widely before she and Diego looked up at him in disapproval.

Simply ignoring their glares, he points over to Sid who wore a huge grin. "And my other friend the, platypus."

His face soon flattens as he looked up at the mammoth. "Why do I gotta be the platypus," He points at Diego, "make him the platypus."

The possums soon climbed up the other mammoths and each stood at the end of her tusks, now slightly annoyed. "This guy giving ya trouble sis?"


"That's right, these are my brothers," She points at the possums than herself as she says each word, "possum, possum, possum."

"I don't think her tree goes all the way up to the top branch." Manny lowly comments to the herd, as the ma-possum just gave a friendly smile.

"Manny, brink of extinction is a bad time to be picky." Sid whispers to him, and soon has an idea as he smiles. "Hey, she could come with us!"

"Are you insane?!" Manny lowly snarls as he snaps his head at the sloths direction. "No way!"

"Ookay," Sid shrugs smugly and walks over towards the other group. "Manny wants to ask if you want to escape the flood with us..."

"What the-!" Manny did a double take and looks over at the sabers, completely dumbfounded by what the sloth did.

The possums quickly jumped off the female mammoth and made their way to the herd as one yelled; "I rather be road kill!"

"That could be arranged." Diego snaps down at them with a growl.

"Calm down." Hazel snarls lowly at the male saber who didn't dare move his gaze.

"Hahaa, funny!" The female mammoth wraps her trunk around the possums with an awkward laugh. "Let me a word with my brothers," She soon drags them away towards the side and the three have small talk.

"It's not worth it." Hazel continues to Diego who stood up straight again. "Do you want to go down as the saber who was beaten by possums?"

"Are you saying that I can't beat some possums?" He remarks lowly, whether he meant to come off as harsh or not, she wasn't too sure, so she only shrugged to his question.

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