Chapter 13

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"Never thought I see dry land again!!" Hazel proclaimed as she paced around the area with Diego and Sid.

"It's almost like a first time for you." Diego lowly comments as she jumps around them.

Quickly smirking up at him, she claims; "Considering what just happened, I'm taking all chances to appreciate it;" before scattering around him quickly before trotting between him and the sloth.

"I dunno, I'm thinking about starting a swimming school." Sid brings up suddenly, "'Sid's Squids',"

Just as he had finished, he let out a terrified scream and scattered around Hazel and hid behind Diego.



They turned and were astounded to see a tribe of mini sloths standing before them.

"All hail Fire King!~" A blue sloth at the front announced before dropping to their knees with everyone behind doing the same.

Sid, still paranoid, nervously walked away from behind Diego to stare down at the bowing sloths, letting out a nervous "Uh, hi?;" with a wave.

"Hi!~" They all stood up and waved at him, making Sid exchange a look with the sabers of surprise.

"Fire King averted flood," The same sloth from before began, "come join us, O great and noble flaming one."

Sid stared down at them, letting out a slight "Hmm~" of interest with a smirk.

"Whoa!- not so fast there okay?" Diego proclaims loudly to the sloths,

"You make a quality offer, but, fire king has prior commitment, his herd needs him."

"His the gooey...sticky... stuff that, holds us together, he made this herd;" He turned back sloth who stared in surprise as Hazel watched with a smile;

"and we'd be nothing without him."

"You mean it?!" Sid let out loudly with a cracked voice, soon tackling the male saber with a hug.

"Sid!" He let out with a gasp; "That doesn't mean want, to touch..." he tried pushing he sloth away, but it only resulted with him been hugged tighter.

"You don't want to ruin such a good moment do you?" Hazel whispers with a smirk, tilting her head towards the herd who all hugged the sloth beside them.

She quickly looked up when she noticed the others approaching them, laughing when she saw the confused expressions, mainly from Manny.

"Don't ask," Diego mumbled lowly.

They all went silent as a a rumble sound echoed as the ground shook, making them all turn their heads in the direction of where it came from.

Out from the new entrance of the valley, came one, than two, and then a herd of mammoths, slowly making their way into the valley, making everyone watch with wide eyes and move out of the way for them.

The herd, aside from the two mammoths went over to the side slightly, feeling happy that their friends weren't the last of their kind anymore.

"I didn't even think that there were this many mammoths," Hazel let out as she watched them walk.

"I don't think anyone did really," Diego agrees as he also watched them.

"Hey guys," Sid jumps in between the two, making them jump. "It's happening," The sabers turned to see Ellie stopping amongst the crowd and looked back at Manny who just watched her, making them and the possums watch.

"You think we still be a herd if they confess or would they go with the other mammoths?" Hazel questioned suddenly.

"Actually..." Sid stood back and pondered. "They could be, but we're still family, even if they go off with the other mammoths."

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