Chapter 6

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The group soon reached a large frozen lake, which had many chunks of ice floating about and many ice formations scattered around.

To Hazels surprise, Diego was the one who was lingering behind everyone, watching him take his steps carefully, like if he made a wrong turn, the ice below him would just give way.

"Diego, there are whole continents moving faster than you, lets go!" Manny called out to the male saber, "We got to catch up with the others!"
Concerned, Hazel slinked her way back towards the male saber and paced beside him carefully. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." He replied hesitantly. looking around him cautiously.

"You can't fool anyone with an attitude like that." Hazel remarked. "The water clearly seems to bother you,"

Diego just eyed her warily, thinking over an answer, but before he could answer, the possums ran pass them which made them both jump.
They were laughing maniacally as they jumped and skidded all across the ice formations.

"Hey!" He called out to them, "Knock it off!"

One of them, she believed to be Eddie, slid and stopped beside Ellie's leg (who I guess waited for them??) grabbing his brothers tail before he went further away to drag him back.

"Oh cry me a river blubber-tooth tiger," Crash groaned as his brother slowly began walking away, joining him as he added, "have some fun!"

"Can't you see this ice is thin enough without you two wearing it down?" Diego comments loudly, with a slight tremble in voice but went unnoticed by them.

"Hey," Hazel playfully hit his side, making him glare at her. "Ellie could've gone sliding with them, that be a reason to really worry."

"Yeah, Hazels right," Sid turned back with a wave of the hand, "like, the ice may be thin buts it strong enough to hold a ten-ton mammoth and a nine-ton possum." He gestures to their figures walking ahead.

"Is ten-ton your new way of saying fat?" Hazel raises a brow, trying to hold back chuckles, "surly his mentioned that he only has poofy hair,"

Sid slides back towards them, "Yeah but," he leans closer towards her, "between you and me, he is."

"I see," Hazel nodded as he pulled himself back from her and went to catch up with the others, she quickly gave Diego a reassuring smile before she joined them.

What happened next, no one expected it.

One minute, Hazel walked beside Manny as she watched the possums play, the next they were greeted by a huge green Pliosar bursting out of the ice, separating the group as the ice shattered around them.

The female saber skidded across the ice, completely off guard by what just happened. She quickly got up and ran towards the mammoth quickly, both trying to find the creature that'd came out of no where.

Before they found it, they both heard and saw ice shatter beside them. They turn to see a purple crocodile climbing out, looking like it was hungry for blood. When it hissed loudly, they both panicked and began running off in the opposite direction as the creature went back under the ice and swam after them.

They both continue to ran beside one another, fearing if they stop they would become food for an anger crocodile. They keep looking back every so often and see that it was still swimming after them.

Hazel barely caught glimpse of Ellie and the possums running away towards safety and Diego just clutching on the piece of ice he was on whilst Sid desperatelytried to move him

She wanted to help them out, but she was already on hot trail for the other creature that swam behind them.
She was brought back to reality when she felt herself been lifted off the ground as Manny leapt over the edge towards the other patch of ice before he placed her back down on the ground.

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